Bille community youths vow to resist further invasion by soldiers

Brave Dickson

The youths of Bille community in Degema Local Government Area of Rivers State have vowed to resist further invasion of their community by soldiers.

The youths said this in reaction to statement credited to the military authority that soldiers will repeat invasion in the community until they arrest the pirates that killed some soldiers in the area.

The military had also disclosed that some military weapons and equipment were carted away after the pirates killed some soldiers.

Speaking with our correspondent, the Youth President of Bille Community Osaki Miller said “his people will not accept further invasion of Bille Community by soldiers.

“The invasion which was carried out by the military on my community was unacceptable and we will not allow another invasion of any form in this community.

“The military should go after the pirates that attacked its soldiers and leave my innocent community alone.

“During the period, my community also suffered pirate attacks that led to the killing of our community member and we did not invade any community in retaliation.”

The youths further demanded for the immediate and unconditional release of their community members who were arrested by soldiers, adding that the detainees are innocent persons that do not deserve to be kept in custody till date.