American returnee on way to see new mansion dies in boat mishap in Rivers State

A Nigerian-American returnee has reportedly died when the boat ferrying him and his family to his village capsized at sea.

The incident which happened on Sunday led to the drowning of no less than two persons.

They were said to have drowned after a passenger boat capsized on Sunday night at Akuku-Toru Local Government Area.

At least 12 persons were on board the boat when it ran into trouble at sea.

It was also said to be conveying passengers to Idama community from Abonnema when the unfortunate incident occurred.

Theportcitynews gathered that 10 persons, as well as some cargo on board the sunken boat, were rescued.

Those rescued include the deceased wife and three children.

The deceased was to open his new mansion in the village before the unfortunate incident occurred.

There has been an increase in boat mishap incidents which at all times claim the lives of travellers.

These mishaps are blamed on the boat riders who get Intoxicated with gins and also on lack of proper safety wears.

Nnamdi Omoni, the public relations officer of the Rivers State Police Command said “A passenger boat loaded from Abonemma going to Idama in Akuku-Toru local government area capsized.

“Two persons were drowned and their bodies yet to be recovered as we speak. Rescuers are still battling to recover bodies of two drowned passengers.

“This is supposed to be a period of sober reflection but people indulge themselves in excessive consumption of alcohol and misbehave.”


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