Alleged assault: Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, lecturer at crossroads as deadline set for apology elapses

Tina Amanda

The Management of Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, Rumuola, PortHarcourt, has given Zoe Tamunotonye Solomon 31 May 2022, as a deadline to comply with the Institution’s directive of tendering an apology letter and undertake to be of good conduct or face disciplinary actions, over a case of alleged misconduct, harassment and exploitation of a female student.

The Institution in a letter dated 19 May 2022, and signed by the Registrar, Chris Woke, read that the letter from the Institution to Zoe Tamunotonye Solomon dated 11 April 2022, communicated the findings and recommendation of the investigative panel to the lecturer which stated clearly that the unwholesome act of the male lecturer was considered to be prejudicial to the good name of the institution in line with the extant laws establishing the Polytechnic.

The letter further read that the School Authority will invoke all necessary administrative and disciplinary measures against the lecturer if he fails to comply and render an unreserved written apology as directed on or before May 31, 2022.

Meanwhile, the lecturer Zoe Tamunotonye Solomon, in a letter dated 26 May 2022, signed by the lecturer and addressed to the Management of the Institution had stated that he stands by his earlier decision of seeking clarity from the institution on what he is apologizing for.

Zoe Tamunotonye Solomon had in the said letter maintained that he would rather face the administrative and disciplinary measures in line with the laws establishing the Polytechnic rather than write an apology letter on the issue of harassment the school accused him of.

Recall that the institution had in a letter addressed to the lecturer on April 11, 2022, lifted the lecturer’s three months suspension without salary from (January 10 to April 9, 2022) on the allegation of harassment and exploitation of a female student and urged him to write an apology letter and undertake to be of good conduct.

However, the lecturer in a letter dated May 5, 2022, and addressed to the Management of the institution said he committed no ‘misconduct’ that will warrant him to apologize.

Zoe Tamunotonye Solomon had effected the arrest of a 19-year-old female student of the institution, Miss Blessing Lucky Audu on December 29, 2021, accusing her of stealing his property and conversion of 250,000 naira.

Blessing Lucky Audu in an interview with journalists had denied the allegation and accused the lecturer of framing her up for turning down his marriage proposal.

Solomon, however, denied the allegation she levelled against him.

Blessing Audu who was detained for two days at Sani Abacha Police division in PortHarcourt was released unconditionally after human rights advocacy group, Centre for Basic Rights Protection and Accountability Campaign and Lawyers Watch for Justice International Initiative brought the issue to the attention of Rivers State Commissioner of Police, CP Eboka Friday, who after listening to the parties in his office on 31 December 2021 ordered the immediate release of Blessing Lucky Audu from Police custody.

Due to the publicity that trailed the incident, the Management of Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic suspended Zoe Tamunotonye Solomon on 10 January 2022, for three months without salary and set up a panel to investigate the alleged misconduct, harassment and exploitation of the female student, Blessing Lucky Audu.