Important etiquette rules you didn’t know about

Having good manners is still a trend in this present time, we all try always to be polite and act like we had good home training. However, there some etiquette rules we ignore because we don’t know about them.

We have made a list of 10 etiquette rules that, if followed judiciously, will show that you have good home training.

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  • If you cancelled a meeting for some reason, it should be your initiative to arrange a new one. This way, you show respect to the other attendee(s).
  • If you see an acquaintance with other people, it’s correct to introduce the people to each other. Even if you have to spend a little of your time making conversation, the people will feel more comfortable in each other’s presence.
  •  It’s rude to shake somebody’s hand while wearing gloves. It’s necessary to stand up when shaking hands, and it’s not allowed to shake hands when you smoke and cannot throw your cigarette away.
  • If you have forgotten a person’s name, don’t avoid confusion by skipping the personal reference. Admit it. “I’m sorry, I can’t remember your name” sounds simple, polite, and honest.


    Keep a Comfortable Distance and Respect Personal Space
  • By putting headphones on, a person shows that they don’t want to speak at the moment. It would be best if you didn’t try to interrupt them with a conversation unless you have urgent questions. There is actually a specific etiquette when wearing headphones. One of its main rules is to silence the volume and take them out of your ears before talking to someone. This way, you show respect to the other person.
  • Personal space exists even in a public toilet. If there’s a possibility, you should choose the stall not next to the taken.
  • If your child has a separate room, you should knock on the door before entering it. This action adheres to etiquette rules, and your child learns that they should do the same when entering your room.
  • It would help if you also remembered that a person’s work desk is definitely their personal space. So, it’s impolite to sit at your co-worker’s desk without an invitation, to look at their screen, to use their computer or, to take something from their desk, even if it’s just paper clips.


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  • Is it good manners to give flowers to a man? Definitely, yes, but there should a specific reason to do it, like a birthday, professional achievement, or sports celebration. But it’s worth knowing that there are specific “men’s” flowers. They are roses, orchids, chrysanthemums, gerberas, carnations, arum lilies, lilies, sunflowers, and bamboo.
  • Both women and men can be the one who invites their companion to the theatre. But it’s believed that it is the man who should show tickets at the entrance and open the door for a woman.
  • The rule for snacks refers to small parties with a buffet. Before you take a 2nd or 3rd helping, be sure that the quantity of snacks is approximately twice as large as the number of guests.
    How to Welcome a Guest in Your Home: 10 Helpful Tips
  • Is it OK to ask your guests to remove their shoes in your home? You should make this decision for yourself; however, etiquette experts say that if you’re not ready to see someone walking in your home in outside shoes, you should warn your guests.
  • It’s definitely bad manners to ask your guests to remove their shoes at a party when everyone has been invited to wear evening attire. Still, if guests take off their shoes, it would be proper to offer them disposable house shoes instead. It is indecent to offer them your own personal house shoes.
  • Making excuses about your home, like for a mess or a repair, shows disrespect of the owner to themselves. When you invite a guest, you express your trust in this person, so the guest should respect that and accept your home the way it is.


    5 Car Etiquette Rules Most Passengers Aren't Aware Of
  • If you borrowed your friend’s car, you should return it with a greater amount of gas. Of course, the car interior should be clean as well.
  • The safest place in a car is the seat behind the driver. At the same time, the most comfortable seat is the seat on the right in the back row. That’s why those seats should be offered to the eldest passenger or a woman, while the youngest should sit in the middle. That’s the unspoken hierarchy.
  • It’s impolite and even dangerous when a passenger sitting near a driver is consumed with their phone or sleeps. Good manners and safety rules say that it’s proper to lead a calm, not very emotional conversation without dramatic gestures and to be able to realize when the situation on the road requires a pause in the conversation so that the driver can focus.

Which of the etiquette rules do you not follow.

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