Host communities back Obudu airport project

Construction of the Obudu International Airport in Cross River state has received further impetus as the five host communities where the project is sited...

Senate passes bill prescribing life sentence for kidnappers

senate,social media regulation bill
The Senate has passed a bill which prescribes life jail for convicted kidnappers. A 10-year-jail term was previously prescribed for convicted kidnappers. The bill contains amendments...

Supreme Court dismisses Alaibe’s suit against Diri

The Supreme Court on Tuesday dismissed an appeal filed by Timi Alaibe, a governorship aspirant of the Peoples Democratic Party in Bayelsa State. Alaibe, a...

Breaking: Supreme Court declares virtual court sitting constitutional

The Supreme Court has declared virtual court sitting constitutional. The court struck out suits by Lagos and Ekiti states, challenging the legality of virtual court...

6 Division, Port Harcourt gets new GOC after major Army shake...

The Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Tukur Buratai has reshuffled the commands and postings of the top brass. The Acting Director, Army Public Relations, Col....

Passengers must arrive airports one hour thirty minutes before flights –...

Hadi Sirika, Nigeria’s Aviation Minister has revealed that arrival time for domestic air travellers to the airport has been reduced to one hour thirty...

Omo-Agege to ASUU: Women not at mercy of sexual predators

The Deputy President of the Senate, Senator Ovie Omo-Agege, has said the approval of the Sexual Harassment Bill by the Senate is in furtherance...

Police arrest four suspected kidnappers in Cross River, rescue one

The Cross River State Police Command has paraded four suspected kidnappers and rescued one 38 years old Cecilia Onega. While parading the suspects at the...

Prepare for flooding, NEMA alerts 18 Rivers LGAs

The National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA, has asked 18 Local Government Areas in Rivers State to prepare for flooding, urging government creat designated Internally...

Buhari approves new NLNG board after 15 years

President Muhammadu Buhari has approved the reconstitution of the representatives on the boards of Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG) and Bonny Gas Transport Limited (BGT). The...