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Apple and Amazon had some issues about Amazon Prime Video but earlier this month decided to bury the hatchet. This led to the return of Apple TV to Amazon and the Amazon Prime Video app also returned to Apple TV. This turned out to be great for both parties. Amazon Prime Video returned to early this December but have currently overtaken Netflix and Hulu as the most downloaded TV app in space of few weeks.  Apple tv  You can can it the enemy of my enemy is my friend approach. Recall that Google pulled YouTube off Amazon’s Fire TV and Echo Show as feud with Google grew last month. Maybe that led to quick resolution between Amazon and Apple as the  Mobile Ecosystem Supremacy intensifies.


Amazon historically has played tough with rivals, banning devices like Apple TV, Chromecast, Google Home, and others from its online store in order to boost sales of its own hardware. That seem to quickly change as Apple TV and Chromcast are now spotted on Amazon online shop. Not going to speculate what the future holds for Amazon Prime Video app but all indicators are good right now. We expect 2018 to be the year of great collaboration and rivalry as well so it sure will be exciting for users.





Few hours after we praised Facebook for bringing a nice feature Snooze, they announced pre-roll video ads. Pre-roll ads are those adverts that play first before the video you click on to watch starts playing. These ads will last up to six seconds – that’s two more seconds than YouTube. The good thing is, they are going to roll out a test next month (2018). Don’t panic, your News feed won’t be filled up with video ads that you don’t want to see. The pre roll ads will appear in the “Watch” hub as we will explian later. Is this a good move? is this the best timing? How does it work? This article will answer all these question and more.


For years, Facebook executives have said they don’t want to run “pre-roll” ads — ads that run before you get to watch the video you want to play — because users don’t like them. Now, there are going to be running it. How is works? You clicked on a video you think you’ll love to watch on Facebook “Watch” hub. A six seconds video advert with plays first (with advertisers link of course) before the video you clicked on starts playing. Earlier this year, Facebook started Midroll Ads and now they are bring it to the front line. Below in the picture you will clearly see the Facebook “Watch” hub or tab or menu. It is only videos in that “hub” that will show ads be it pre-roll or midroll.

Facebook ads for business
Facebook ads for Business


It depends on where you are looking at it from. A big Yes from the Business end. You have to monetize your fan base and every other opportunity that your business brings. It’s a Big No too if you are looking at a way to make your users happy. It’s a two sided coin. Users hate Pre-roll ads while advertisers/publishers can’t live without it. Still on the business end, pre-roll ads are the best video format currently in terms of reach and revenue generation. So, I really don’t blame Facebook for searching out a way to get maximum return on investment. The other questions will be the timing and this could turn out with Facebook competitors.


Facebook is trying hard to implement this in a decent way that it’s users won’t revolt against. The main problem here is that Facebook users might lose some confidence as the company had been so verbal against it in the past. There is a good tendency that it could make many users use Facebook less that they were using it before. That is why we need your opinion on this.

Will you use Facebook less because of the Pre-roll video ads?



Tony Elumelu writes open letter to the next generation

Tony Elumelu is  the Chairman of Heirs Holdings, the United Bank for AfricaTranscorp and founder of The Tony Elumelu Foundation. He was recognised as one of “Africa’s 20 Most Powerful People in 2012” by Forbes magazine.

Below is an inspiring open letter he shared via his Instagram page.

“Letter to the next generation ;
Young African, You are brave, you are resilient. You are savvy, you are entrepreneurial, and unlike the generations that have come before you, you are much hungrier for success.

You call your ambition, “your hustle”, and you have several of them because you are tireless and eager to achieve financial independence – no matter how elusive it appears. You are optimistic but you are also anxious.

You have seen others toil long and hard for economic security in vain, decades of labour without fruit. Some of your friends may have discussed emigrating with you – legally or illegally, and some may have lost their young lives crossing the Mediterranean in search of a future overseas where their talents are recognized and rewarded.

You may even know a few in Libya, unsuspecting victims to the ugly acts of slave trade. A combination of these factors has left you disillusioned and disconnected. You don’t believe in politics. There is no use in getting involved.

You have seldom experienced good governance, so you think, “What’s the point?” But despite the gloom, there actually is indeed a point.

My generation and the ones before may have failed you, and the infrastructure for success glaringly absent – a persistent darkness in place of electricity, a stifling business environment that discourages enterprise and innovation, debilitating bureaucracy, inaccessible public officials who remain oblivious to your needs, an outdated education system in urgent need of reform– and the list goes on, but, if there’s anyone with the power to transform our continent and reshape our economic and social trajectory, it is YOU.

There is formidable power in your intellect and creativity, your talent and ingenuity are rare, and your resolve and determination against all odds, can drive great change. But most importantly, the greatest force is in your numbers.

Together, all 600 million of you that are under 30 years old, have the potential to be the most influential bloc on this continent. The indescribable influence that you can collectively wield, I hope that you soon fully understand and hopefully, deploy.

Today, I’d like to discuss the inescapable reality of politics with you. It has been a busy week of traveling from Lagos to Boston, to Los Angeles, and in a few hours to New York, to receive BCIU’s inaugural Dwight Eisenhower Entrepreneurship Award, but I thought to take time out this evening to share a few thoughts with you.

I have been inspired to share this with you after listening to my former professor at Harvard, Prof Michael Porter, whose session during our leadership council meeting of the Harvard Kennedy School Center of Public Leadership, was insightful, powerful, and very thought provoking.
His well-articulated argument emphasized that as a people we cannot afford to remain passive about politics. Though his reference region was America, there are strong parallels with our own situation in Africa.

The main root cause of our continent’s underlying failure to pull the majority of its citizens from the unyielding clutches of poverty is poor leadership, so then why do we continue to tell ourselves that politics exists in a realm outside our own realities?

Why do we refuse to engage in the political process of identifying and supporting visionary candidates, instead we remain at the mercy of political leadership committed to putting private interest ahead of public interest.

Leaders who are beholden to the ideology that political parties come before citizens. Leaders who are private gain-seeking actors.

What we desperately need is a continent-wide awakening. We must grow to become active citizens who are committed to getting involved. The system is not self-correcting, there are no market forces at play to ensure that it corrects itself.

It will require human actors – me and you – to identify and dismantle the structural impediments that fuel the status quo of bad leadership. We must address this issue both systemically and systematically. Our democracy has become very disconnected from being democratic, we must bring power back to the people.

We must reform the rules of our electoral processes to inject more transparency. We must transform politics from being an industry for a few interests, to being about the people and addressing the public needs. We must change the oligopoly nature of our politics today to being one for the majority.

The barriers to entry are high in politics, and very often, our best brains and talent are discouraged from running for office. We must dismantle these systems that keep away talented, individuals from joining the race.”


A sudden thunder accompanying a heavy downpour sent shivers down Christiana’s spine. At that moment she started to wonder why she was so nervous by thunderclaps but she knew deep down that the thought of Bayo was responsible for her anxiety. She had been feeling so tense ever since she saw Bayo nine years after they departed affectionately. She had always imagined that he would have changed, but she never knew the transformation would be so awful. His once good-looking face now so dreadful made shudders run through her lean body and drove away her sleep. She remembered how she would look out of the window from her room to gaze continuously at his strong masculine build while he trimmed the flowers in the garden and how she had imagined his well-built body in her bed. She had fantasized her life in the future with Bayo. Although she tried to push his thought away, but the memories she had with him rushed through her mind unconsciously. When she couldn’t stop to picture the night his mannish physique kept her warm and how they kissed passionately, she decided to roll her eyes away from her daughter’s picture because she knew it was sparking up more thoughts of him. She shifted her gaze to the cream curtain which was dancing to the tune played by the furious wind. Wittingly, she listened to the rain beating relentlessly against the window like she was listening to her favourite hip hop music to drive away his memories.  However, when a cool breeze sent a cold sensation through her skin, she started to think about how the cold night would have made her sleep like a baby if only she had not seen Bayo. She found it hard to believe that the face that once charmed her had become so frightening and very unattractive that she couldn’t stand to stare at him for so long. Just a quick glance at him made her heart bleed. She wished his present demeanour had not marred her memories of him, she also wished she had not passed by that road where she saw him in his present state. Actually, that was not her usual route, but her chauffeur had driven her down that route because it was shorter. The decision didn’t turn out to be a good idea though.

Earlier that day, Christian was fuming in her car because she was stuck in traffic and was running late for an important meeting with a client. Several times she expressed her anger by hissing. Out of annoyance she said, “I told you that I don’t like Oshodi for anything. I told you!” She hissed again.

“Sorry Madam. Oshodi is the closet place we can pass if we have to get to Ikeja very early. I am sorry, Madam,” Christiana’s chauffeur, Adamu said softly.

Adamu had to carefully steer the car forward through the tailback caused by the rowdiness of the street. In anger she had asked him to keep pressing the car horn to clear the raucous road, but it didn’t help the situation. The chaos was caused by one ‘area boy’ who violently extorted money from several ‘bus conductors’. Some of the ‘bus conductors’ begged him as he violently demanded money from them, while some engaged in a long argument with the street urchin before they gave him some money. As this was ongoing, passengers kept wailing expressing their dissatisfaction with the delay.

“Don’t worry madam, we will soon move,” Adamu said when he realised how tensed Christiana looked. He had been watching her from the rearview mirror of the car. “People in this area are always very unruly, but we will soon move, Mah,” he added when he realised that his boss didn’t stop to look frightened.

“Just make sure we don’t go through this route again,” she said. “We must not pass through this road again,” she emphasized. “No matter how late I might be.”

Christiana trembled as she watched the ‘area boy’ moving confidently towards her car. Quickly, she asked Adamu to move the vehicle forward, but he reminded her that they were stuck. He looked more dreadful than Christiana had imagined an ‘area boy’ should look.  A big wrap of marijuana dangle between his black lips. His protruded eyes were red and a long scar ran from his forehead to his cheek.

Wey my money?” the ‘area boy’ stared into Adamu’s eyes but he ignored him. “You deaf?” he barked, but Adamu behaved deaf. “Wey my money?” he asked again, however Adamu disregarded him. Violently, he picked a stick and smashed it against the windshield of the car. Adamu got out of his car with anger. Just like being possessed by a malevolent spirit, he seized the ‘area boy’ by his throat and slammed his rugged body against her boss’s car. Although, the ‘area boy’ tried to fight back, Adamu proved he was stronger. Hawkers, street urchins and many passengers who watched the scene with amusement hailed Adamu. Even Christiana watched him in astonishment. She never thought a lanky man as Adamu had such great strength. The ‘area boy’ ran away from the scene when Adamu loosed his grip on him and people hailed him the more. He looked at Christiana with pride like he was a hero, always ready to save her anytime.

In a flash, the raucous road became deserted, people who had been enjoying the scene took to their heel when some ‘area boys’ rushed out from one corner of the road toward Adamu. They were all unkempt in appearance. Before Adamu could enter into the car to zoom off the road, barrage of blows unleashed by the ‘area boys’ sent him on his knees. And immediately, Christiana bent over in her car. Her heart together with her hand shook as she pressed the keypads on her cell phone in an attempt to call the police. Mr. Adamu cried out after he realised they were about to strangle life out of him. His sympathetic cry made Christiana fly out of her car to plead on his behalf.  Swiftly, the ‘area father’ stunned at her presence loosed his grip on Adamu’s throat. Her presence stilled the chaos. His blood shot eyes bored into Christiana’s eyes made her heart bleed. Regardless of the praises his clique rendered him by raising their hands above their head with one leg each suspended in the air, the ‘area father’ ignored them. Quickly, Adamu stood up from the floor panting for air. At that moment, he turned to Christiana and hastened her to get into her car so that they could drive off instantly, but she stood still like a tree. She couldn’t just believe she just saw Bayo.

……………….To be continued



The major security concern about Google interconnected Apps is that one saved password can give you access to plenty saved passwords. For some of us who are too lazy to remember all login details and passwords, we give Google that job. It’s so easy, stress free but this is biggest backdoor for you to get hacked. Before now, anyone who have access to your device can look up your google account password(s) from password view once your password have been saved on that device before. They can go ahead and view all your saved password. But Google has changed all that right now!

Security wise, Google is good, very good, they re-branded saved passwords to Smart Lock! They just improved the security measured required to view saved password. The problem most times, we do not take enough care to maintain strong security measures at all times. Now Google will not let you use a saved password to login to, you’ll type it in afresh and you will get an instant email notification once you do.


Google Chrome browser can remember your saved passwords and sync them across all your signed in devices. This means that your saved passwords can be accessed from any other device. Before now, you can access saved passwords once you have logged in before from the device. From the settings, click on saved passwords, select view and manage passwords at After the security update, you can no longer view passwords with already saved password – that option has been removed. You must enter the google account password afresh to view all saved passwords. That’s not all! Google will now send you an instant notification anytime your credential is used to login at



First, I don’t  advice people to store sensitive password online. But if you do, you must take strict security measures to ensure that all the devices that you signed into your Google account or any other account you used to store password is locked. I know some of us do neglect some mails from google about our accounts but emails about viewed passwords should be taken very seriously.



Uche Secondus emerges as PDP chairman

Candidates on the ‘unity list’ led by Uche Secondus swept all the elective posts at the National Convention of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party in Abuja early Sunday.

Secondus was the former acting National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). His name topped the list in circulation since Friday.

He scored 2,000 votes out of 2,396 votes cast at the party’s national convention, which ended in the early hours of Sunday at the Eagle Square, Abuja.

Chairman of the Electoral Sub-Committee of the convention and former Governor of Benue, Gabriel Suswam, announced the results and said that the election for chairmanship position was keenly contested by four candidates.

“In this contest, nine gentlemen indicated their interests to contest, but here, four of them sent letters of withdrawal and so four were left.

“The other ones we were told have withdrawn but there was no letter to that effect.

“The four gentlemen that contested were Uche Secondus, Chief Raymond Dokpesi, Founder of Daar Communications; Prof. Tunde Adeniran, former Education Minister and Prof. Taoheed Adedoja, former Minister of Sports and Special Duties.

“Secondus scored 2,000 votes; Dokpesi, 66; Adeniran, 230 while Adedoja scored no vote,” Suswam said.

No fewer than seven chairmanship candidates, who sensed that the election outcome had been pre-arranged by some governors, withdrew from the contest.

The candidates that withdrew were Chief Bode George, former Deputy National Chairman; Gbenga Daniel, Rasheed Ladoja, erstwhile Governors of Ogun and Oyo States, respectively, and Jimi Agbaje, PDP governorship candidate in Lagos State in 2015 elections.

Professor Tunde Adeniran and Raymond Dokpesi, who remained in the race rejected the outcome of the election, ahead of the voting, warning about the consequences to the party.

Other elected officers on the ‘unity list’ were Sen. Babayo Garmawa, Deputy National Chairman (North); Mr Yemi Akinwunmi, Deputy National Chairman (South); Sen. Umar Tsauri, National Secretary and Mr Agbo Emmanuel, Deputy National Secretary.
Retired Col. Austin Akinbundu is new National Organising Secretary, Yakubu Hassan, Deputy National Organizing Secretary; Mr Kola Ologbondiyan, National Publicity Secretary and Diran Odeyemi, Deputy National Publicity Secretary.
Mr Abdullahi Maibasira emerged National Financial Secretary, Irona Gerald, Deputy National Financial Secretary; Aribisala Adewale, National Treasurer; Wada Masu, Deputy National Treasurer; Adamu Mustapha, National Auditor and Arong Divine, Deputy National Auditor.

Africa Update reports that Mariya Umar was elected National Women Leader, Umoru Hadiza, Deputy National Women Leader, and Emmanuel Enoidem, National Youth Leader.

The Chairman of the Convention Planning Committee and Governor of Delta, Dr Ifeanyi Okowa, commended the Election Sub-Committee for “job well done”.

He also commended all the candidates and delegates who participated in elections and party leaders and members for cooperation that ensured the success of the convention.


The alleged discovery of a number of human skulls  at the home of the notorious cultist and community leader in Onelga by the men of the Nigerian Army some weeks ago was at best shocking to me . Having spent the last seven years in Port Harcourt, I have seen first hand the carnage perpetrated by these thugs with their perchance for bloodshed. More intriguing, however, was the fact that the accused went on air threatening to sue the Army for invasion of his privacy and for false accusations. Just like every other incident that happens in Nigeria, the matter seems to have been swept under the carpet and not even a whimper has been heard about it ever since. Is Rivers state sliding into what Thomas Hobbs referred to as the “State of nature?”
My mind, just like that of many observers, was burdened with questions, questions seeking for answers. Who killed those people? Whose skulls are they? Since Don Wanny has denied involvement and threatened to sue the Army, has investigations been launched so as to unravel the mystery behind those skulls or is the matter, just like others, going to die a natural death while we move on like nothing has happened?
 Few days after the Army raided Don Wanny’s residence, social media was rife with claims from certain quarters that a popular political party is behind the sudden elevation of the dreaded cultist for political purposes. The accused was granted amnesty by the Wike-led administration and a subsequent lay down of arms occurred. However, not much has been achieved in terms of security of lives and properties. There is Daily reports of kidnapping and armed robbery, the environmental health hazards from sooth due to the military crackdown on the activities of oil bunkerers . We have seen that play out before and it’s attendant consequences that leave much to be desired.
 ‎Nigeria’s return to democracy in the year 1999 forced a few privileged elite clique to struggle for state power. Having the resources of the state at their finger tips, This political struggle metamorphosed into hiring of, and subsequent arming of thugs and street gangs for political expediency. These youth, having been deprived of the basic access to the wealth produced under their feet and stewing in joblessness, became a catalyst for the mayhem engineered by the politicians. Thus, after the elections and having been armed and abandoned by the people who utilized their violence prone skills to achieve electoral victory or the loss of it, they turned their arms against each other in a deadly supremacy tussle and control of the street crime structures and  against the inhabitants of the state and against the state itself. This is evident in the ruthless manner these gangs kill each other and those perceived as enemies, and the way they go about the destruction of the state’s economy . The state, however, capitulate to their violent uprising by issuing contracts and other government patronage to a select few gang members while the rest slug it out with the favoured for their own share of such patronages.
 These youth are aware of the wealth produced in their region and its little impact on their lives. Having been exposed to violence, they have engrossed themselves in a bitter struggle for their own portion of the wealth enjoyed by the elite. This has led to oil bunkery, incessant kidnapping of politicians and oil company workers, politically motivated killings, armed robbery and general violence against the masses.
The collosal failure of governance in the region and at state level in this regard; the government’s helplessness in disarming these gangs  has helped in no small measures to amplify these violence and degrade other sectors of human development. They go about harassing commuters and drivers at motor parks while the police look away.
This is because of the relationship between state politicians and the violent gangs that perpetrate these atrocities. Thousands of youth pay allegiances to different cult groups and gangs and create a pool from which politicians draw individuals that would help them achieve victory at the polls from. So dismantling them without being absorbed into a state funded youth intervention scheme seems hard for those in power.
Election rigging has become a norm in Rivers state, although not an isolated case. However, the intensity has increased in the state over time as those who are sympathetic to these wealthy gang leaders are favoured through stuffing of ballot boxes, disruption of electoral processes and ballot box snatching. These sympathetic politicians are elected into offices, thereby forcing government to look helplessly while the state descends into a state of chaos.
The inhabitants of the state are aware of the key indices that have sustained these gang culture, its rampant abuses and are quick to finger local politicians who hire them to rig electoral polls for adding fuel to the flame that fires these violence.
Other factors like intra-ethnic squabbles as regards access to the wealth of the state have also contributed immensely to gang culture in Rivers state. Those communities that feel shortchanged often rely on their youth taking up arms against the government and oil companies to press home their demands.
 This has increased the disruption of oil activities in the region and have often forced the federal government to respond through military interventions and other temporary placating adventures like the amnesty program. These interventions are often short-lived and only scratch the surface and does not get to the root of the problem.
The federal Government’s approach towards the Niger Delta agitation for resource control by restricting local access to the wealth in the region aids these gang activities. Most of the government’s interventions have not been able to address the root cause of massive hunger, environmental degradation and other consequences of oil exploration in the region. Institutions set up by the government are not adequately funded and carry out cosmetic projects that benefits a select few.
Analysts believe that proper restructuring and institutions of a generally acceptable form of government will address most of these vices.
Credit- Okenyi Kenechi


The Holiday deals are not over yet, in fact, they are getting better thanks to GearBest 12.12 SALES 2017. Everything is going down with unbelievable discount. 2017 best sellers, Mobile phones, Tablet PC, Electronics, Network gears, Toys, you name it. While there are  BLACK FRIDAY DEALS still available and some CYBER MONDAY DEALS still up for grabs, 12.12 Sales is the Biggest so far from GearBest.


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Annual Sale Festival 12.12 Promotion .
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Gearbest Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 4GB/64GB
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Xiaomi Mi Note 2 4G Phablet International Version – Global LTE Bands. 4GB RAM 64GB ROM SNAPDRAGON 821
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The deals are so plenty to list here, so, check it out yourself and thank me later. Annual Sale Festival 12.12 Promotion

iPhone Xc: Is Apple Bending To Competition?

The iPhone Xc just surfaced – a smaller and less expensive replica of iPhone X.  Yes, it’s official from Apple but what’s the implications to Apple’s competitors? Yesterday, information leaked about next year’s  iPhones  coming with Bigger Batteries. So, is Apple beginning to bend to competition?

iPhone Xc specifications

The front TrueDepth camera, the A11 Bionic chipset, the rear vertical dual camera, bezelless design etc follow iPhone X. The back was designed with polycarbonate (plastic) rather than glass on the back panel of the iPhone Xc, not only a rich color, but also a lower cost than the iPhone X of the glass panel is realized. It is more resistant to falling shock than glass body. Wireless charging is also available due to the material used at the back.


Why the iPhone Xc?

It seems Apple wants to explore the midrange sector of smartphone users who have been constantly priced out by premium iPhone products. There are surely millions of people who’ll love to own an iPhone if it wasn’t pricy. The competition in the flagship sector of smartphone is highly heated so, the need for iPhone Xc. It won’t come that cheap though but a sign that Apple for once, is beginning to listen to the yearning of their fans. This new direction by Apple may also be the reason they are increasing the battery if the 2018 iPhones. The cry of many iPhone users for years now as a little more battery won’t hurt.

Stay in touch for more information on the price and availability of the iPhone Xc.

Source: Smart Depot


It might seem unbelievable given that the radio has been blasting Christmas tunes since December 1st, but the true Christmas season actually starts on Christmas Day itself. That’s right: December 25 marks the official start of the 12 days of Christmas, the Christian tradition that shares its name with a relentlessly stick-in-your-head Christmas carol.

Here are a few things you may not have known about the song and the season.

What are the 12 days of Christmas?

The 12 days of Christmas is the period that in Christian theology marks the span between the birth of Christ and the coming of the Magi — the three wise men. It begins on December 25 (Christmas) and runs through January 6 (the Epiphany, sometimes also called Three Kings’ Day). Additionally, the four weeks preceding Christmas are collectively known as Advent, which begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on December 24.

Some families choose to mark the 12-day period by observing the feast days of various saints (including St. Stephen on December 26) and planning daily Christmas-related activities, but for many, after December 25 things go back to business as usual.

“The 12 Days of Christmas” is also a Christmas carol in which the singer brags about all the cool gifts they received from their “true love” during the 12 days of Christmas. Each verse builds on the previous one, serving as a really effective way to annoy family members on road trips.

But according to the catholic news, Catholics in England during the period 1558 to 1829, when Parliament finally emancipated Catholics in England, were prohibited from ANY practice of their faith by law – private OR public. It was a crime to BE a Catholic.

“The Twelve Days of Christmas” was written in England as one of the “catechism songs” to help young Catholics learn the tenets of their faith – a memory aid, when to be caught with anything in writing indicating adherence to the Catholic faith could not only get you imprisoned, it could get you hanged, or shortened by a head – or hanged, drawn and quartered, a rather peculiar and ghastly punishment I’m not aware was ever practiced anywhere else. Hanging, drawing and quartering involved hanging a person by the neck until they had almost, but not quite, suffocated to death; then the party was taken down from the gallows, and disemboweled while still alive; and while the entrails were still lying on the street, where the executioners stomped all over them, the victim was tied to four large farm horses, and literally torn into five parts – one to each limb and the remaining torso.

The songs gifts are hidden meanings to the teachings of the faith. The “true love” mentioned in the song doesn’t refer to an earthly suitor, it refers to God Himself. The “me” who receives the presents refers to every baptized person. The partridge in a pear tree is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In the song, Christ is symbolically presented as a mother partridge which feigns injury to decoy predators from her helpless nestlings, much in memory of the expression of Christ’s sadness over the fate of Jerusalem: “Jerusalem! Jerusalem! How often would I have sheltered thee under my wings, as a hen does her chicks, but thou wouldst not have it so…”

“My true love” refers to God Himself, the giver of all good gifts.

  1. The First Day of Christmas – A Partridge in a Pear Tree

The partridge in a pear tree refers to Jesus. A mother partridge, when in the presence of a predator, is willing to risk injury and death to save her chicks. This image points to Christ’s death on the cross to save his people and echoes Jesus’ lament over Jerusalem: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings…” (Luke 13:34).

  1. The Second Day of Christmas – Two Turtle Doves

The two turtle doves represent the Old and New Testaments, which together give the full story of God’s creation, his love for his people, how his people broke their relationship with God, his plan to redeem them, and what is to come as they are reunited to God and how they will worship him forever.

  1. The Third Day of Christmas – Three French Hens

There are two versions of what the three French hens stand for. Some say they are the three Biblical virtues the author Paul espoused in 1 Corinthians 13:13: Faith, Hope, and Love.

Others claim the three French hens represent the three precious gifts the Wise Men brought: gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and inspire us to bring our best to Christ.

  1. The Fourth Day of Christmas – Four Calling Birds

The four calling birds stand for the four gospels that call all people to Christ.

  1. The Fifth Day of Christmas – Five Golden Rings

The five golden rings represent the Torah, which Christians call the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible. These books give a rich history of God’s people and point to God’s grace in spite of their unfaithfulness.

  1. The Sixth Day of Christmas – Six Geese A-Laying

The six geese represent the six days of creation.

  1. The Seventh Day of Christmas – Seven Swans A-Swimming

The seven swans tell of the seven gifts the Holy Spirit gives, described in Romans 12:6-8: prophecy, service, teaching, exhortation, giving, leading and compassion.

  1. The Eighth Day of Christmas – Eight Maids A-Milking

The eight maids are the eight Beatitudes Jesus preached in Matthew 5:3-10:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

  1. The Ninth Day of Christmas – Nine Ladies Dancing

The nine ladies are the nine Fruit of the Spirit that distinguishes the character of a follower of Christ: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22)

“Dancing” is an appropriate description for this day, I think, for when our lives are marked by these characteristics, our spirits can’t help but want to dance!

  1. The Tenth Day of Christmas – Ten Lords A-Leaping

The ten lords are the Ten Commandments God gives his people to show them how to live.

  1. The Eleventh Day of Christmas – Eleven Pipers Piping

The eleven pipers are the eleven apostles who remained faithful to Jesus: Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James. The number of apostles is eleven, not twelve, because the twelfth, Judas Iscariot, betrayed Jesus.

  1. The Twelfth Day of Christmas – Twelve Drummers Drumming


The Apostles’ Creed, one of the most widely accepted creeds across Christendom, includes twelve points of doctrine that outline what Christians believe