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Tips to Help Us Make Those Ethical Changes We’re Struggling With

We want our lives to reflect our deepest values.

We know the harmful impacts of some of our choices. We fully acknowledge the benefits of certain actions, and yet we struggle.

We struggle to make new choices and to maintain the ethical habits we’ve developed.

While it’s important that we continue striving to narrow the gap between our values and our actions, it’s also important that we give ourselves the time and tools to be ready to embrace those changes, rather than to accept them grudgingly and then feel as if we’re being deprived.

Whatever ethical areas of our lives we’re struggling with, there’s a lot we can do to make progress. Here are just 4 tips:

1. Focus on taking tiny steps.
In his book, One Small Step Can Change Your Life, Robert Maurer talks about how we can use the strategy of kaizen to “trick” the “fight or flight” part of our brain that often trips us up. “Small, easily achievable goals … let you tiptoe right past the amygdala, keeping it asleep and unable to set off alarm bells. … Soon your resistance to change begins to weaken.”

And, he adds, if we frame that small step in the form of a question, that can help our brain be excited, curious, and creative about it.

2. Surround ourselves with success and support.
Making changes in our lives can be especially challenging if we’re alone. But we can surround ourselves with success stories of people engaging in the actions we want to take, so that we’re inspired, and so that we remember that there are others on this path.

Additionally, having loved ones support our efforts can give us an extra boost of confidence and determination when we’re struggling.

3. Keep learning about the issue.
When we learn about a new issue — such as the destructive impact of palm oil or child slavery or animal cruelty — our motivation level can catalyze an initial wave of change. We eagerly read labels or engage in action or create a new habit.

And then time passes, and the demands of daily life and inconvenience of operating counter to mainstream culture hampers the enthusiasm we once had. Continuing that change becomes a struggle.

One strategy for maintaining our motivation is to continue to learn about the issue — especially the reason behind our wanting to make the change.

If we remind ourselves about the realities of child slavery, for example, by regularly reading articles or watching videos or getting involved with an organization, it reinforces our commitment, and our passion to do the most good and least harm is much less likely to wane.

4. Make it easier to make the change.
We can set ourselves up for success by establishing systems and creating triggers that help us make those ethical choices that resonate with us.

For example, if I want to eat fewer animal products, I can stock my fridge and pantry with plant-based choices, take a cooking class to learn how to make tasty dishes that fit my busy schedule, and make batch meals that I can eat throughout the week. If I want to reduce my use of disposable plastics, I can search for alternative ideas and slowly accumulate plastic-free products.
We humans often don’t like change.

But if we create an environment and strategies that help nurture and support changes that more accurately reflect our values, we may find that all those struggles can be transformed into delightful and liberating opportunities and greater and greater successes.

How to prepare banga soup (Urhobo Style)

Banga, also known as Oghwo amiedi in Urhobo language and izuwo ibiedi in Isoko language, is a type of palm fruit soup from Southern Niger Delta Nigeria particularly the Urhobo ethnic group. This cuisine is quite different from “Ofe Akwu” which is a variant found in Igbo culture according to the wikipedia, and it looks like this


Palm kernel nuts
-1 Onions
-6 pieces Pepper or grinded red pepper
-Seasoning (Maggi, Rogojie, Obeletientien(dried bitter leaf) you should get it in any local market especially in the west and south)
-1 kg Beef meat/goat meat/fish( personally I prefer fresh fish
– Periwinkle( a handful)
-Banga soup spices

periwinkle or Isam.

Banga soup spices



STEP 1: Rinse all the main ingredients, the periwinkle, the fish, if you have your beef or chicken, this is the perfect time to parboil them and set them aside, Rinse the palm nuts 2-3 times with water then place in a medium sized pot( henceforth it would be referred to as” banga”). Add clean water just enough to cover the banga in the pot and cook on the burner for 30 mins till it gets soft. you can check this by biting into one of the nuts. If it’s soft, then its ready to pound,


Drain the water from the cooked banga, and pour the banga into a big bowl or a mortar,you can start pounding immediately while its very hot with a pestle(to help us extract enough juice out of our banga), you should see something like this

Add warm water to the mixture , mix it properly with your hand (it might be very hot, but you would get used to it, add a lilttle water if you desire to) till you get the desired quantity of water you desire( please make sure its not so watery). You can repeat this process twice to get enough banga juice. Then strain the palm oil into a bowl, you can use a filter or a sieve.


Pour the clean banga juice into a pot and cook on the burner for 30-35 mins to allow it bowl properly,after that you can add your pepper,crayfish,blended onion,and allow to cook 10 more mins,


Add your washed fish and Periwinkle to the mixture

Cover properly to simmer for another 25-30mins to allow the fish cook properly.

By now you should have gotten a thick mixture, add your beef or chicken,banga soup spices, Rogojie, Obeletientien( a pinch of both would do, or 3/4 pf a teaspoon, this applies to the rogojie and obeletientien.). Add salt and your desired seasoning to taste, be careful while stirring , you might want to stir from the sides, to keep our fish intact.Leave to simmer for another 10- 15mins….. Waaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,Food is ready.

You can serve with Eba, starch, pounded yam, but its usually served with Eba or starch. Best eaten in a native black plate known as ‘Evwere’

Bon Appétit!!!!!!!!!!!

How to EAT your way to younger-looking skin: The best foods for banishing wrinkles

Leading London nutritionist Lily Soutter analyses the research

She finds there are links between eating certain foods and more youthful skin

Some help protect skin from sun damage, and others produce more collagen.

Anti-ageing skin creams promise to turn back time and give you younger-looking skin – but they can cost hundreds of Naira.

Now leading London nutritionist Lily Soutter has exclusively examined evidence for FEMAILE Food&Drink which suggests that eating the right foods can help banish the wrinkles too.

Lily has reviewed research that looks at claims that certain foods and drinks can help rejuvenate your appearance.

And she finds that there are links between some foods and a wrinkle-free, more youthful complexion.

From sweet potato to kiwi fruit, these are the food and drinks we should be eating more if to keep wrinkles at bay.


‘It’s been estimated that three quarters of adults within the UK are failing to eat the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables each day and one study indicates that this may have a negative impact on aging skin,’ Lily told FEMAILE exclusively.

‘This cross-sectional study measured the skin hydration levels and elasticity of 716 Japanese women. It concluded that a higher intake of green and yellow vegetables (two or more servings per day) was associated with decreased wrinkling.

‘Further research needs to be conducted before we can confirm whether these vegetables can slow the ageing process, however few would disagree with the fact that we could all do with a little more greenery in our diet.’

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Kiwi fruit has more vitamin C than oranges, a key nutrient required for the production of collagen which helps skin look more youthful

‘Kiwi fruit has almost double the amount of vitamin C per 100g in comparison to oranges and vitamin C is a critical nutrient required for collagen production.

‘If there is one thing that keeps skin looking youthful and supple, it’s collagen. Collagen is the structural component of skin and as we age production declines which can lead to wrinkle formation and sagging skin.

‘One interesting study using data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) found that a higher dietary intake of Vitamin C was associated with a lower likelihood of wrinkled appearance and senile dryness.

‘Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, with high concentrations being found within the skin. This nutrient can help to protect against environmental factors, which can speed up the aging process such as sun damage.

‘Whilst there is no clear evidence or consensus of the optimal dose of vitamin C in relation to its anti-ageing effects, regular consumption of Vitamin C rich foods such as kiwi fruit is essential for long-term health.’


Salmon is packed with astaxanthin which one study revealed can keep skin in tip-top condition

‘Astaxanthin is an antioxidant, which is responsible for wild salmons bright pink colour and is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties,’ said Lily.

‘One study found that women who were given a high dose of astaxanthin didn’t see any changes to their skin but those given a placebo or a lower dose saw their skin moisture content decrease and their skin condition worsen. The study concluded that astaxanthin supplementation might inhibit age-related skin deterioration.

‘Whilst this is certainly exciting preliminary research, it’s important to remember that as much as 250g wild sockeye salmon would need to be consumed daily just to reach levels found within this study which would exceed our weekly recommended intake of oily fish.’


Eating lots of sweet potato could help protect your skin from sun damage which can cause wrinkles

‘The bright orange hue of sweet potato comes from an antioxidant called beta-carotene. Sun damage is one of the biggest causes of premature skin aging and research suggests that beta-carotene may play a role with protecting the skin against harmful free radicals found in UV sun radiation.

‘Whilst it certainly can’t compare to sunscreen, there is evidence that beta carotene may play a role with protecting against sunburn, which ultimately would lead to wrinkles.

‘Interestingly beta-carotene isn’t just found in sweet potato, it’s also found in other orange and green vegetable such as carrots, butternut squash and spinach. Since beta carotene is a fat soluble antioxidant, for optimal absorption it’s best consumed alongside healthy fats such as olive oil.’


‘Olive oil is a rich source of healthy monounsaturated fats and research suggests that regular consumption is significantly associated with skin elasticity and firmness.

‘One large study of 1,264 women and 1,655 men aged 45-60 showed that dietary intakes of monounsaturated fats derived from olive oil were least likely to have sun damage.

‘There is a wealth of evidence supporting the benefits of replacing saturated fat within our diet with monounsaturated fat such as olive oil for all aspects of health.’


Green tea contains plenty of antioxidants and now some studies have shown it can help make your skin look more vibrant too

‘Green tea is packed with antioxidants and one study found that these antioxidants were able to protect against ageing UV sun radiation whilst helping to improve the skin quality of women,’ said Lily.

‘In the study, tea-drinking volunteers noted a 16 per cent reduction in skin roughness, a 25 per cent reduction in scaling, as well as improved skin elasticity and hydration.

‘But before we start glugging back the green tea, it would be great to see these results replicated in studies with a larger sample size.’


Lily said: ‘Whilst it’s tempting to get sucked into the idea that there is one miracle food which will turn back the clocks and leave us with smoother wrinkle-free skin, there is limited research linking specific foods with anti-aging properties.

‘However there is more research linking antioxidant nutrients to collagen production and protection against environmental factors such as sun damage, which ultimately slows the ageing process.

‘It appears that the key to aging gracefully could be as simple as incorporating a more healthy fats and a wider range of rainbow coloured fruit and vegetables within the diet.’

Harley Street nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert agreed and added: ‘It’s becoming increasingly clear that what you eat can significantly affect how healthy your skin is.

‘Fruit and vegetable consumption may represent the most healthy and safe method in order to maintain a balanced diet and youthful appearing skin. Research does not prove that diet causes skin conditions but rather influences it to some degree.’

Rhiannon, who has recently published her first book, Re-Nourish: A Simple Way To Eat Well (£18.99), continued: ‘Research studies have suggested that essential fats that are found in foods such as salmon, nuts and avocados are extremely important as it can help keep our skin supple and hydrated.

‘There is not some miracle food that will help your skin look younger. Instead we should look at our diet as a whole, and identify whether or not we are eating enough fruit and vegetables, and make sure we eating well balanced meals that include carbohydrates, protein and essential fats.

‘All these food groups work together in the body to help maintain optimal health as well as healthy skin.’



According to the national bureau of statistics (NBS), data obtained showing the consumption of PMS (premium motor spirit) between 2015 and 2016 is being analyzed and used to forecast demand for PMS in 2018 subject to population growth.

After thorough observations and studies on the data given, the meaningful result was produced from it. The observation shows that the population of Rivers state kept increasing at an average rate of 3.20%. In 2015, the population was 6,902,610.95 inhabitants which increased to 7,586692.61 in 2018 at an annual growth rate of 3.20%.

On the same line, the demand for PMS in Rivers state was forecast as well with the given consumption of PMS by rivers state after a thorough analysis of past data. It was observed that, the PMS consumption /demand increases during festive periods.

During festivals period, October, November and December period, the demand and consumption of PMS are at the peak, as well as the May and June period during Easter holidays. During January, February, March, April the consumption drops/decreased gradually towards base demand.

It entails that PMS consumption is primarily used in Rivers state for transportation and generator users. It also shows that Rivers state residents are predominantly Christians who observe holidays traveling to various destinations to meet their families and loved ones as part of the celebration.

With the graphical representation of the demand for PMS, fluctuations of PMS demand during festivals and holiday periods and on the normal periods is clearly observed.

From the predictions, it is observed that increase in population has a direct relationship with demand for PMS, as this will lead to an increase in movement of people which implies an increase in demand for PMS.

Thus, increased in the population of Rivers state and the demand for PMS are directly related. The expected monthly demand for PMS in rivers state for the year 2018 is as follows;

Volume in liters.

DECEMBER 64615517.5
NOVEMBER 59451297.91
OCTOBER 66400332.85
SEPTEMBER 47842826.01
AUGUST 45074774.32
JULY 44867594.13
JUNE 55851796.9
MAY 53040093.07
APRIL 42956590.68
MARCH 49766808.91
FEBRUARY 45577902.3
JANUARY 59218942.7

Rivers state Government and relevant authorities can use the above statistics as a guide to make plans to avoid the menace of product scarcity which has a negative effect on the overall productivity of the state as this will cause down/loss time as such reduced productivity.


Price of PMS is fixed at government price N145

Consumers behaviour is constant

GDP per capital for Rivers state is fixed.

Sources: Kegoz oil system limited

Rivers State House of Assembly votes against Local Government autonomy.

The Rivers State House of Assembly, on Monday, voted for the constitution alternation bill of 2017 which outlines the processes of amending the 1999 constitution.

The House of Assembly voted on 15 alterations of the Constitution (Fourth Alteration) Bill 2017 transmitted to it by the National Assembly.

The voting process was presided by the Speaker of the House, Rt Hon. Ikuinyi-Owaji Ibani.

The House approved Fourth Alteration Number 27 which provides for the reduction of age for qualification to contest the position of President, Governor, National and State Assembly Seats in order to accommodate youths in the electoral process.

It further voted to approve alteration number 8 which permits immunity for legislators during sitting and to strengthen the legislative process.

Also approved, was the alteration number 28, which specifies the period within which the President or State Governor must present an appropriation bill to the legislature for consideration.

The House voted to approve alteration number 4 which confers financial autonomy on State Assemblies.

Alteration number 2, which reduces the period that the President or State Governor can spend money before the passage of the next budget from 6 months to 3 months was also approved.

6. The House of Assembly, however, rejected alteration number 5, which seeks to abrogate the Local Government Joint Account and permit local government councils to operate separate accounts.

The House further rejected alteration number 9 which seeks to permit INEC sufficient time to conduct by-elections and de-register political parties.

It also rejected alteration number 14 which seeks to provide for independent candidates in the course of elections.

Don’t expect too much from Obasi- Parkinson

The coach of the English championship side Bolton Wanderer, Phil Parkinson, has told the club fans not to expect too much from their newly acquired striker, former Nigeria international Chinedu Obasi.

Former Schalke 04 forward agreed a short term deal with the Trotters over the weekend after a successful trials with the club.

The club gaffer made the comments in a press conference shortly after the contract was announced.

According to the coach ” I haven’t seen a great a deal of him in training because of the weather and now we given him a contract which is pay as you go,.

“He is not ready yet. But I thought for no cost we might as well tuck him in the U23s to see how he gets on and then if he gets to a level and can make a contribution, great.

“He has played at a good level in the Bundesliga etc but I don’t want the supporters t think he ‘all be out there making a difference in a week’s time because we had to make a decision on what we’d seen in the dome plating seven a side.

“It got to the point and no faults of his but he’d played in the U23s game and had one or two offers. He said I ‘ll back myself and cone on a pay as you play contract.

“To have another striker at no cost unless he makes an appearance is one we decided to take. He’s a good lad but he’s got work to do, he told the club website.

Obasi will joins another Nigerian Sammy Ameobi in the Trotters attack.

Healthcare Board to begin immunization program.

The Rivers State primary Health Care Management Board has appealed to parents, caregivers, religious organization, proprietors and head of schools to ensure that children between the ages 9 months to 5years are vaccinated in the forth coming nationwide measles vaccination.

Permanent secretary of the board, Dr. Agiriye Harry, disclosed this to newsmen during a one-day media orientation meeting on the importance of the campaign.

Dr. Agiriye, who was represented by the Director of Community Health services, Dr. Isaac Opurum, said that the rate of unimmunized
children in the country is alarming, adding that children from 5years and below are most vulnerable to the disease.

He noted that the vaccine is free, safe and is being carried out by the state government,

stressing that it is a moral obligation of all to ensure no child is left out
during the immunization.

“It’s important that every child should be immunized. Measles is a contagious disease. If a child is not immunized and that child falls ill with measles, it will spread and children not immunized will be affected greatly. Its dangerous. Every child must be immunized.

“We call on Rivers people, every mother, father, caregiver to ensure that every child is immunized within this period”

Also speaking, the state immunization officer, Dr. Rita Wilson, said that children not vaccinated
are at risk of coming down with health challenges.

“It is sad that some women will not get their children vaccinated. This children become vulnerable to situation of the virus itself, such as, blindness, deafness, inflammation of the brain, diarrhoea.

‘’Diarrhea can lead to death, because a child that passes so much fluid will collapse, so these are some of the effect of measles we don’t want our children to come down with”

She said that the measles immunization exercise will commence from 8th to 20th of March, 2018, stressing that parent should go to immunization temporary post and primary health facilities for their children to be vaccinated.

Zambia calls on S.African chains to recall cold meats over listeria scare

Zambia wants South African retailers to withdraw ready-to-eat meat imports from its stores after an outbreak of a deadly listeria was traced to a factory in South Africa, Zambia’s high commission in Pretoria said on Monday.

“Chain stores should emulate measures put in place by the South African government to recall cold and meat products supplied by the firm,” Zambia’s high commission in South Africa said in a statement.

South Africans were told on Sunday not to consume ready-to-eat processed meat as the government identified the source of a listeria outbreak that has killed 180 people as a cold meat product made by the country’s biggest consumer foods group.

FG orders speedy completion of N40bn, 8-lane PH-Aba highway

The Federal Government has directed the contractor handling the construction and rehabilitation works on the N40billion Port Harcourt – Aba highway project to fast track and ensure quick completion of the project.

The multibillion naira Federal project is being handled by China Civil Engineering and Construction Company (CCECC), which has assured that January 2020 delivery date is feasible.

The project supervisor, Mr. Idongesit Ebotakpan, during an inspection of the project site in Port Harcourt at the weekend, revealed that the Federal Government gave the marching order and directed that the job should be top quality.

He explained that the project, which is expected to have a 50-year lifespan would meet the best standard, stressing, “nobody is joking with the quality of job on the road.”

He revealed that the Minister of Works, Mr Babatunde Fashola, while awarding the contract, was specific that the quality of job done on the road must be world standard.

“This is a dual carriage road, the distance is from Eleme Juction to Aba that is the exact length of the project. The first contract was about N34 billion, but there were some important issues arising along the way like the issue of not taking care of road drainage after construction, so that called for a re-design of the project and the current design which is expected to consume N40 billion will take care of those setbacks.

“We have changed the whole design of the road and the present design has four lanes on both side (taking it) to eight lanes on completion, that is where we are now.

“So rehabilitation work will be from Imo bridge down to Aba, what we are doing here will also be replicated at Aba axis with four lanes making it eight lanes at the end”

The Aba/ PortHarcourt road is a very strategic road to the nation’s economy as it links Aba and other industrial heartland of the East with Port Harcourt, the nations oil hub.

The road has been in a very dilapidated state for a long time thus crippling business activities, while creating opportunities for kidnappers and bandits who take advantage of the bad state to attack traders and other road users.

Also speaking, the Project Director, Mr. Charles Okonma, lauded President Muhammad Buhari for approving the project which according to him, would alleviate the sufferings of the masses and add positive value to the economy.

His words: “One of the main policies of president Buhari administration is the economic recovery and growth plan ( ERGP), and one of the plans on that policy platform is massive infrastructural development, of which this project is one of them. You know when you improve in infrastructure you are growing the economy and when you grow the economy you take people out of poverty.”

“Works have started fully, the initial project design problems has been overcome, we will ensure that the project is completed at the stipulated time, the contractors doesn’t have any payment problems and additional funds will be made available as the project goes on’’.

The CCECC Project contractor, George Gao assured Nigerians that the project would be delivered at the agreed time of January 2020, acknowledging that the job has been properly funded by the government .

He said “We are not lacking anything in terms of funds, and from now on work has started fully. We have 41 kilometers from Aba road, Eleme junction to Imo river bridge.

“The entire length of the road we are working on is 41 kilometers. We have two registered engineer and we have 15 technicians like mechanics, carpenters, surveyors and others. The duration of this project is 30 months and we will stick to that’’.

The spokesman for Oyigbo Community, Mr. Alex Ibe, thanked the Federal Government for the project, stating that it would ensure free movement and ease traffic congestion in the ever busy expressway.

The Chairman of Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Dr. Howells Hart described the project as a wonderful initiative and urge the government to do more.

Obuah appeals High Court ruling.

Chairman of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in Rivers State, Mr. Felix Obuah, has appealed the ruling of Rivers State High Court sitting in Port Harcourt, which dismissed his fundamental rights suit against arrest by the Police before the Court of Appeal sitting in Port Harcourt.

The lower court, last week, dismissed a suit by Obuah, in which he had asked the court to stop the Police from inviting him for questioning over the killing in Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local Government Area of the state during the 2015 elections, following a petition by chiefs of All Progressives Congress, APC.

However, the trial judge had dismissed the application on the ground that it was premature to run to court when he (applicant) has not been arrested or detained.

The applicant, dissatisfied with the decision of the lower court, appealed same, praying the appellate court to set aside the ruling of the lower court.

Respondents are the state Commissioner of Police, Inspector General of Police and Sa’ad Yahaya.

In the appeal, Obuah is contending, among others, that “the lower court erred in law when it declared that it will be wrongful for the respondents to arrest and detain the
appellant upon answering to the letter of invitation/petition alleging the commission of crime against him in the light of the undertaking on oath by the respondents, but failed to declare the said letter as constituting a gross violation of the appellant’s fundamental rights as provided Section 34, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41 and 42 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended).”