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7 Crucial Things You need to Stop Putting Yourself Through.

7 Crucial Things You need to Stop Putting Yourself Through.

Pause for a moment and think about how much effort you put into certain routines, habits, situations and people that are not actually benefiting your life in any way.
It’s time for a change.

And positive change can happen in YOUR life.
As they say,
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

Here are seven crucial things you need to stop putting yourself through:

1. Stop holding on to negative thoughts from your past.

– It’s often our own thinking that hurts us.
There’s no reason to imprison yourself.
Don’t think outside the box; think like there is no box.
And never regret your past mistakes, because they gave you strength.
The one who falls and gets up is much stronger than the one who never fell.

Sometimes you have to accept the fact that things will never go back to how they used to be, and that this ending is really a new beginning.

2. Stop attaching yourself to what’s not meant to be.
– We all have this idea in our heads of how things are supposed to be, but sadly this is why we end up disappointed.

Expect less.
Enjoy more.
Sometimes life doesn’t give you what you WANT because you NEED something else.

And what you need often comes when you’re not looking for it.
When it’s meant to be, it will be.

3. Stop letting the same people take advantage of you.
– Sometimes people don’t notice the things we do for them until we stop doing them.
This is NOT right!
Realize this.
You deserve better.
You deserve to be with people who make you smile

– friends who don’t take you for granted
– friends who won’t leave you hanging.

4. Stop hurting yourself by hating people.
– As Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.”
Regardless of how despicable another has acted, never let hate build in your heart.
Fighting hatred with hatred only hurts you more.

When you decide to hate someone you automatically begin digging two graves:
one for your enemy and one for yourself.

5. Stop blaming others for your troubles.
– The extent to which you can achieve your dreams depends on the extent to which you take responsibility for your life.

When you blame others for what you’re going through, you deny responsibility
– you give others power over that part of your life.

6. Stop letting fear run your life.
– Are you doing what you’re doing out of fear, or love?
Think about it.
Every human thought, word and deed is based on fear or love.
Fear is an inner energy that contracts, closes down, draws in, hides, hoards and harms.

When you live through fear, you pull back from life.
Love, on the other hand, is an inner energy that expands, opens up, sends out, reveals, shares and heals.
When you live through love, you open to all that life has to offer with presence and acceptance.

7. Stop telling yourself that you don’t have what it takes.
– As Abraham Lincoln so profoundly said,
“We are just about as happy as we make up our minds to be.”
Happiness is the result of personal choice and effort.
You fight for happiness, strive for it, switch careers, build relationships, and sometimes even reinvent your lifestyle entirely as you uncover it.

Because you have to actively participate in the manifestations of your own joys and good fortunes
– they are not ready-made for the taking; they are available for the making.

And of course, if you’re struggling with any of these points, know that you are not alone.
We are all in this together.
Many of us are right there with you, working hard to feel better, think more clearly, and keep our lives on Purpose Track.

Copyright (c)2018
Benjamin Kwentua
All rights reserved.

2019: Federal government should not use security agencies to undermine electoral system – Wike

Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike has warned the federal government not to use security forces to undermine electoral processes.

The Governor, however, said that political leaders will be more accountable if security agencies and the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) restrict themselves to their constitutional roles.

The governor said this during a courtesy visit by the Commander of the 115 special operations group, Nigerian Airforce, to the government house in PortHarcourt on Friday.

He said the manipulation of security agencies and INEC by some Politicians has made it possible for their people to be denied development projects, saying that the nation can only make progress when things were done differently.

He said: “The only way this country can grow is if things are done right. One of the reasons Nigerian leaders refuse to perform is because some of them connive with INEC and security agencies to rig”

“Nobody cares. Because whether or not you perform, they will use security agencies and INEC to manipulate the electoral process “.

The governor noted that the Rivers State Government will continue to partner with the Nigerian Air Force for the promotion of security.

He said that the state government will support the Nigerian Air Force to fight crime and criminality in the state.

He warned the military against being dragged into the settlement of civil disputes .

WhatsApp plans revenue for business accounts.

FILE PHOTO: The WhatsApp messaging application is seen on a phone screen August 3, 2017. REUTERS/Thomas White/File Photo

The Messaging application WhatsApp on Thursday, said that it would begin allowing business accounts for the first time, a step that brings the free service closer to a plan that would make money for its corporate parent, Facebook Inc (FB.O), according to a report by Reuters.

Some businesses already use WhatsApp, with 1.3 billion users, to answer inquires from customers. Business accounts will allow them to set up automatic greetings, see statistics about their messaging and set up a profile page with hours of operation and other information, WhatsApp was quoted to have said.

The accounts are aimed at businesses that receive a high volume of WhatsApp messages and need help keeping up, WhatsApp Chief Operating Officer Matt Idema said.

“What we saw was a need for businesses to have more efficient tools,” Idema said in an interview.

WhatsApp intends to charge businesses in some form in the future, but said it was too soon to discuss when that would happen or what the future business services would look like.

Facebook bought WhatsApp, a pun on the phrase “What’s up?”, in 2014 for $19 billion, attracted by the size of its user base. WhatsApp used to charge a $1 annual subscription fee but dropped it in 2016, leaving the service without a source of revenue.

Options for future revenue are narrow because WhatsApp CEO Jan Koum and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg have ruled out advertising on WhatsApp, a factor that adds to the service’s popularity.

WhatsApp competes in a crowded market that also includes Facebook’s Messenger application, Tencent Holdings Ltd’s (0700.HK) WeChat and numerous other messaging services, Reuters reports.

But the messaging application said its business accounts would be available beginning on Thursday through a WhatsApp Business application in the Google Play store in Britain, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico and the United States.

The company said it plans to roll out the accounts to other countries in the coming weeks, and eventually to have a version for Apple iPhones.

APC not informed about Amaechi’s reappointment as DG – Abdullahi

Spokesman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Mr Bolaji Abdullahi has said that the party was not involved in reappointing the Minister of Transportation, Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi as DG of Buhari campaign organization, according to Vanguard.
 Abdullahi who spoke with newsmen in Lagos on Friday, promised that another convention would hold soon.
“We will hold our convention this year. We know the delay doesn’t look good on us, but it was in the best interest of our party,” he said.
Abdullahi also said that the reported reappointment of Mr Rotimi Amaechi as the Director General of the Buhari Campaign Organisation was not done by the party, saying that the president has not informed the party of his intention to run for a second term of office.
 “The APC is not involved in Amaechi’s appointment as DG of the Buhari Campaign organisation because it is at the level of aspirant”
“His appointment has nothing to do with the APC and the emergence of our candidate for the 2019 presidential election”
“The President would have become the candidate of the party before it can get involved with its campaign”
“It will be wrong for the party to be involved because it will undermine its credibility to other aspirants for the presidential ticket,”

Nigeria sues Jp Morgan over Malabu deal.

Nigeria is suing JP Morgan Chase for more than $875million over the transfer of cash used to buy an oilfield in 2011, a news report said.

JP Morgan said the allegations made in the claim are “unsubstantiated and without merit”, Reuters reported.

The case relates to Shell and Eni’s purchase of offshore block OPL 245 for more than $1billion.

Nigeria’s government has accused JP Morgan of transferring funds to bank accounts controlled by former oil minister Dan Etete, the report said.

Mr Etete led the company which sold the block, Malabu Oil and Gas.

Nigeria alleges that JP Morgan did not take due diligence to ensure the money did not leave Nigerian Government accounts, according to Reuters.

Kpalukwu rallies support for Rivers United.

Rivers United FC General Manager, Chief Okey Kpalukwu has asked fans of the football club to shake off the disappointment of Wednesday’s Nigerian Professional Football League defeat to champions, Plateau United.

Rivers United lost 0-2 to Plateau United at the New Jos Stadium following goals from Elisha Golbe and Emeka Umeh.

Chief Kpalukwu noted that whole the defeat was disappointing, it is important to learn from the mistakes and focus on tasks ahead.

He noted that supporters, fans and stakeholders of the football club must now channel their energies towards supporting the team in vociferous fashion on Sunday when Kano Pillars come to town.

“We are all disappointed with the result against Plateau United in Jos because the target was to get a win, or a draw at the very least.

“But as is the case in football, when you lose a football match, you do an appraisal, see where you made mistakes with a view to correcting them.

“That’s what we have done and now, the focus is on getting a good result on Sunday against a very strong side like Kano Pillars.

“We are calling on our supporters and fans to throw their weight behind the team, turn out in their in their numbers on Sunday to throw their weight behind us.

“The players and coaches have vowed to give their all but we will be happier with the backing of our supporters and fans,” Chief Kpalukwu explained.

He concluded by commending the sponsors, the Rivers State Government for continued support to the team as well as Sports Commissioner, Hon Boma Iyaye for his fatherly role.

Rivers United FC will face Kano Pillars this Sunday by 4pm at the Yakubu Gowon Stadium, Port Harcourt as the NPFL enters match day three.

Bitcoins will collapse – Nobel laureate

Bitcoin may “totally collapse” though it may linger for a century, Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller said, who equaled it to the Tulip mania.

“[Bitcoin] might totally collapse and be forgotten and I think that’s a good likely outcome but it could linger on for a good long time, it could be here in 100 years,” the Yale University professor said to the American Tv station CNBC in an interview in Davos, Switzerland.

“It reminds me of the Tulip mania in Holland in the 1640s…,” he said.

Tulip mania saw contract prices for some bulbs of the new and fashionable tulip shoot through the roof and eventually collapse in February 1637. In a parallel to the current cryptocurrency boom, speculation and FOMO or the fear of missing out, played a major role in driving up prices of the exotic flower.

Shiller, who was the joint winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize for economics, pointed out that bitcoin has no value at all “unless there is some common consensus that it has value.”

In contrast, assets such as gold would at least have some value even if people did not view it as an investment, the economist added.

The CNBC stated that the interview was conducted ahead of the massive sell-off in cryptocurrencies this week over concerns of possible stringent regulation in South Korea and China.

“The Bitcoin market is a marvelous case study in ambiguity and animal spirits,” Shiller wrote in an op-ed in the New York Times mid-December, when the price of the leading cryptocurrency was approaching its peak of above USD19,800.

A rational appraisal of an asset’s value was simply not possible at present with Bitcoin and the real understanding of the economic issues underlying the cryptocurrency was almost nonexistent, he wrote.

Traditional finance has kept cryptocurrencies at arm’s length, but many investors and bankers are positive about the future for the distributed ledger technology or blockchain that underlies them.

Recently, billionaire investor Warren Buffett warned that cryptocurrencies are set to have a bad ending and he would not bet any money on them.

Jamie Dimon, who is JP Morgan Chase CEO and chairman, regretted calling Bitcoin “a fraud” earlier, but expressed little interest in investing in cryptocurrencies.

Nigerians eat too much maggi, that’s why they complain about herdsmen- Dakku

A House of Reps Member representing Dukku/Nafada Federal Constituency of Gombe State, Hon. Aishatu Jibril Dukku has said that cows are very important to herdsmen and they value them more than humans.

She said this during a plenary on herdsmen attacks at the floor of the house on Friday.

Hon Dakku told the house that too much consumption of maggi has made Nigerians so impatient to their problems.

She advised government authorities to proffer a workable solution in favour of the herdsmen.

“You can’t sit down and make conclusions on herdsmen. Yes, they values life of their cows more than even their own lives because that is how God has created them.

“Nigerians have become so edgy these days, maybe because of the food we eat, maybe because we eat too much of maggi.

“We have become so impatient that’s why we don’t listen to each other.

“We don’t want to proffer solution that will be workable to our country.”

Pele recovering after collapsing at home.

Football legend, Pele is recovering in the hospital after collapsing from exhaustion in his home country Brazil, according to the Football Writers’ Association.

The 77-year-old was set to appear at an FWA tribute night in London on Sunday, but he will not be travelling to the UK.

FWA executive secretary Paul McCarthy said: “In the early hours of Thursday morning, Pele collapsed and was taken to hospital in Brazil where he has undergone a series of tests, which appear to point to severe exhaustion.

“He remains on fluids while doctors monitor his recovery. Thankfully, there is no suggestion of anything more serious than exhaustion and everybody at the Football Writers’ Association wishes Pele a swift and full recovery.

“Understandably, his medical situation prevents him from travelling to London for the Football Writers’ Association Tribute Night on Sunday evening at The Savoy.

“But after discussions with Pele and his team, he has insisted the event should continue, not least because many of Pele’s friends are travelling from overseas to be with us on Sunday.

“While it is incredibly sad Pele cannot attend the function, the FWA are grateful that all those who have been asked to pay tribute on the night – Gareth Southgate, Cliff Jones, Gordon Banks and Steve Hunt – are determined to help make the evening a memorable one.

“Pele’s team have also asked that we film the event and send a copy to Brazil in the knowledge it will lift the Great Man’s spirits to see his friends are thinking of him and sending their best wishes. With that in mind, we want to do Pele proud and make Sunday night as memorable as possible.

“It goes without saying, Pele has an open invitation to any of our functions once he regains his health and we are already discussing the possibility of him joining us in May for the Footballer of the Year Dinner.”

Pele scored 77 goals in 92 appearances for Brazil between 1957 and 1971, and 643 goals in 656 appearances for Santos.

Arrest your minister, PDP urges Buhari.

Bayelsa State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to arrest Heineken Lokpobiri, Minister of State for Agriculture, Daily Posts reports.

Bayelsa state governor, Seriake Dickson had accused Lokpobiri and former governor ,Timipre Sylva, of sponsoring mayhem in some parts of the state and some riverine communities in the neighbouring Delta.

PDP state chairman, Chief Moses Cleopas, in a statement, said the party was disturbed that Lokpobiri continues to maintain a sordid reputation that seems inseparably linked to the horrors of violence in Bayelsa state.

“Only recently, the governor òf Bayelsa state, Seriake Dickson, alerted the president, the security community and indeed Nigerians to the dangerous activities of Lopkobiri and other APC chieftains, which without doubt are inimical to peace, security and development of our dear state”, he said.

“Ordinarily, Nigerians who are agitated and troubled by the grave allegation would have expected a reassuring response from somebody of the status of a minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. However, Lokpobiri’s response has only deepened the worry about the specter of violence being masterminded by him and his cohorts in Bayelsa.

“His defence, at best, cuts the image of a guilty man in desperation to reconcile contradictions with a contrived appearance of innocence! In his pitiable response to the governor’s claim that he was behind the heinous activities of a deadly militant, Kareowei, who was fingered for perpetrating heinous activities at the waterways of Ekeremor and some communities Delta state, Lokpobiri denied ever meeting him.

“Obviously prodded by his stained conscience, Lokpobiri lied that the militant leader (Kareowei), even threatened him at Ekeremor by shooting into the river when he (Lokpobiri) visited home in January. This explanation and the contradiction in Lokpobiri’s Defence only strengthens the suspicion of complicity in acts of destabilization against the state.”

The party accused the minister of failing to use his position to improve the lot of Bayelsans, alleging that he has used his time in office to cast aspersions on the state government.

It added that it is a shame that all Lokpobiri has done is remind the people of his presence in the orchestration of violence and other acts against the progress of Bayelsa state.