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Rihanna watched Arsenal’s 5-1 victory on Saturday.

Rihanna watched Arsenal demolish Everton 5-1 at the Emirates Stadium on Saturday night before causing a “stir” in the tunnel area and posing for photographs.

The 29-year-old singer-songwriter has been pictured at football matches before, watching Germany win the World Cup in Brazil in 2014 and celebrating with Mesut Ozil and his team-mates in Rio de Janeiro.

Rihanna was Ozil’s “lucky charm” as the Gunners thrashed the Toffees on Saturday to close the gap on the top four, but it was Aaron Ramsey (hat-trick), Laurent Koscielny and new signing Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang who got the goals.

Ozil posted on his Instagram a picture with Rihanna with the caption: “She knows which football teams to support.”

Shkodran Mustafi also posted a photo of himself with the artist, saying: “The result we needed today! Thanks for crossing your fingers @badgalriri, that has always turned out really well.”

And she “was causing a bit of a stir in the tunnel area”, according to a London Evening Standard journalist at the game, who said on Twitter that she had “been in the players’ lounge for a while after being taken for a tour near the dressing rooms”.

Okolie beats Chamberlain at The 02 arena.

Lawrence Okolie floored Isaac Chamberlain twice as he earned the bragging rights over his London rival with a wide points victory at The O2.

The cruiserweight prospects put their unbeaten records on the line in London on Saturday night and it was Okolie who emerged victorious as he dropped Chamberlain in the first and sixth rounds on the way to a unanimous points win with scores of 98-89, 96-90 and 97-89.

The raw power of Okolie was evident in the opening minute as a glancing right hand sent Chamberlain crumpling to the canvas by the corner.

Chamberlain nodded knowingly, aware of his defensive lapse, and Okolie then showed his strength as he shoved his opponent to the canvas.

A worrying start for Chamberlain worsened in the second round as he was docked a point by referee Steve Gray for holding.

Both men continued to wrestle at close quarters in the third, and Okolie seemed to briefly trouble Chamberlain with a cuffing hook.

Okolie tried to force Chamberlain over the ropes during a scrappy fourth round, which ended with referee Gray warning each fighter for more holding.

The rugged aggression of Okolie seemed to edge the fifth, and he would hurt Chamberlain again in the sixth round.

Okolie uncorked a chopping right hand that forced Chamberlain to touch the canvas with his glove, prompting another count from Gray, although time ticked away before the Hackney fighter could launch a follow-up attack.

There was a despondent look on the face of Chamberlain in the seventh round as he remained in a defensive shell, while Okolie would impose his will again in the eighth, pumping out spiteful punches.

Okolie was hunting for another knockout victory and punished Chamberlain with stiff right hands in the ninth, but would himself be docked a point for holding.

Needing a knockout, Chamberlain finally showed urgency in the last round, although he was again pushed onto the canvas as the bullish Okolie closed out a dominant victory.

Original article appeared on Sky Sports.

Rivers state house of assembly to pass anti-cultism bill.

The bill prescribing death penalty for cultism, armed robbery, kidnapping and light arms proliferation in Rivers is now at the committee stage, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports.

The Executive Bill seeks to amend an existing law that assigned 10 years imprisonment for cultism and related offences in the state.

During debate on Wednesday, members of the Rivers State House of Assembly, expressed support for the amendment process, noting that death penalty was most suitable to discourage perpetrators of such crimes.

Mr Ahiakwo Christian, representing ONELGA Constituency 1, also condemned criminal activities across the state and sued for urgent steps by the government toward ending the menace.

He said one of such actions was to prescribe stiffer punishment for culprits.

“Cultism has ravaged our society, we need to take urgent steps to avert the danger ahead,’’

he said.

Also, the Speaker, Mr Ikuinyi Ibani, said there was the need for stiffer punishment for cultism and related offences.

He said that until the issue of light arms proliferation was well regulated, insecurity might continue to threaten humanity.

“It is our wish to live in a society where legitimate activities will remain unhindered, this is the reason Rivers House Assembly must continue to support laws and policies that will protect the people,’’

he said.

The Speaker also constituted a committee that would collate contributions and relevant reports that would enhance easy passage of the bill.

He urged members of the committee to allow contributions from stakeholders, including Civil Society Organisations and the public to enrich its report.

Also at the committee stage is a bill seeking to establish the state security outfit that will support the existing security agencies in the state.

The feminization of a Nigerian man.

When my wife became pregnant, I went to a woman – a grandmother – to learn how to change diapers. However, it did not end well.
I had developed a personal addiction towards caring for my soon-to-expand family and I’d help out with house chores when time permits. I know that I was not doing it for her but for myself because we had time to talk about every other thing in our lives, the baby and what will be best for him. It had metamorphosed into a desperate search for solutions even before the problems came. I spent time off work helping her maintain an exercise routine that would help her to lessen the stress she’d feel. I have always being upfront with issues and such attitude ‘d helped when life calls for drastic measures.

Sitting in this tiny flat with aged walls and paint that had struggled to stick to its companion, I ran my eyes through family pictures hung at different positions in the sitting room . They showed somewhat of a gap from what was and what was obtainable.

They were that of my tutor and instructor and her family. The pictures fused right into my senses. I have always wished to have a family that large with children running around in the house and the first seed of that prayer was on its way. I wished to relive my childhood with my children and probably make it more fun.

Being the only child from my parents robbed me of many things. I was my own sibling and I wanted to re-create everything that I had lost with my own kids. That urge to love both he that would come and she that has being there grew with each ticking of the clock. For marriages end before they actually end but kindness endures.

I waited patiently for hours for the tutor to finish with a client, a man who looked tired and bored. Life played him tricks. I have always been impatient with a lot of things and people. My impatience was drowned at the alter of imagination of he that I was yet to meet and I wanted the best of everything for him.

I ‘d lay on the bed, like a baby snagging for snacks, head tilted to his mother’s side and listen as he kicked in her mother’s belly. The truth is, I have never been in love like that before, because I felt life in a new form and I did all that were necessary for the preservation of that love. It gave me wings and I flew with them, into the itchy fingers of my tutor whom I had found on an Internet site listing with the boasting of an impressive CV and pictures of hundreds of clients – all males.

The first day of my lesson was a rather intriguing one. She has raked accolades for being primordial with things and had attended to well over five thousand clients – men who just like myself, wanted to learn new things and help out the best way that they could. For a time, it gave me hope – those huge numbers – as I discovered that there were a lot of people before me; people who loved with their hearts and not just their heads, people who saw family as a sort of football game where team work is required.

We ‘d go through the basics over and over again with an old mannequin she used for demonstration that had a pre-dirtied diaper around the waist area.
It seemed really easy: sticking my fingers in a butter coated diaper. I was impressed at the simplicity that the task seemingly exhumed. However, as we progressed, we needed to actually practicalize it with a read human baby and that was the beginning of the death of my enthusiasm.

I sat for hours waiting for her grandson to poo. The boy cried a lot but I loved him like he was mine. I wished he never pooed for the day but minutes before my patience waned, the boy had desecrated his diaper. “The cries and lack of comfort are the first signs you will have to look out for” She said with her hands folded calmly behind her back, watching gleefully as I tested the strength of my endurance.

I unsealed the diaper and washed him to spotlessness. That was part of the process but she ‘d bring soup and requested that I lick it with my fingers seconds after I had finished washing the boy. I stared into her wide, bright and ancient eyes and shuddered. I can’t, I muttered. I’ d have to wash my hands for days before I could use them to touch anything edible.

She pleaded for understanding. I pleaded for patience. I think I was being feminized in a way that I don’t understand.

It was gross and I felt like I should puke. “That is what mothers do everyday” she said and flashed a gawky smile with a compelling look that begged not to be disobeyed. I am not a mother I quipped impulsively. More so, I was expecting a bottle of beer or whisky for the job of the day and not soup. I spent the rest of the day rejecting her pleas. It is suicidal sticking those same fingers into my mouth and I’d stopped attending after that day.

My wife was perfect in everything, depending on the part that you would likely enjoy for the day. I gloated in the false assumption that I can equally be perfect in everything. I’d try out many things on days that I was less busy because I wanted to help more and shoulder a bit of the burden. Some I’d succeed at, others I failed terribly.

After my son came, a special aspect of our lives — my wife and I, took flight. The sex was gone and we would not even get it in our sleep. He cried each time the thought came to mind and became the biological clock that timed our troubles. I would laugh off such infant wickedness coming from my little rays of sunshine. He was in charge of our happiness and we willingly surrendered everything to him . Even the times that my mind took strolls into the abyss of uncertainties and would cough in the middle silent meditations, his crying always replies me.

Rivers United will have it rough on Sunday – Stanley Worlu.

Go Round’s Stanley Worlu has stated that Rivers United will have nowhere to hide when they trade tackles at this weekend’s Port Harcourt derby as they have enough information about their opponent with which to triumph in the Nigeria Professional Football League tie.

The Omoku based side returned to winning ways on Thursday after they defeated Nasarawa United 2-1 but they have a difficult away encounter with their neighbours, the Pride of Rivers whom they are facing for the time in the topflight.

But Worlu explained in an interview that Rivers United will have it rough this time around as they know their Sunday opponents more than the back of their hands.

“We are eagerly awaiting our Sunday’s fixture with Rivers United. Most of us are raised in Port Harcourt and we know them very well. The emphasis is for us to go and beat them before their fans. They won’t have it easy at all,” Worlu said.

“It was important we won the game with Nasarawa United because it has given us confidence to approach the weekend tie with confidence and poise. Rivers United won’t have any hiding place at all.

“We may be playing in our first season in the premier league but we are going into the game with Rivers United with optimism that we can stop their unbeaten home run after the weekend game.”

Five ways to maintain a glowing skin with food.

As anyone who’s broken out after a late-night drinking and pizza binge can attest, diet is clearly linked to skin condition. But there’s so much conflicting information about how to manage your diet for the most beautiful skin possible, as well all kinds of wacky DIY recipes (we’ll pass on the mayonnaise face mask, thank you very much). To get some clarity, FWx spoke to nutrition expert and esthetician Britta Plug, who helps clients overhaul their diets and skincare routines at Brooklyn’s Treatment by Lanshin. Here, she debunks beauty myths and calls out natural health trends to look for in 2015.

1. Eat Less Inflammatory Foods
The biggest culprit are inflammatory foods like dairy, gluten and sugar. If you’re having issues with your skin, those are foods to experiment with eliminating. Try taking them out for two weeks and see if that has any effect. Also, when you bring those foods back in your body will have a more heightened reaction, so you can see how they affect you—gas, bloating, headaches, whatever the symptoms are for you. If you’re eating them all the time, your body has more of a low-grade reaction. We all have varying tolerance levels, but those foods are the general culprits.

2. Only Eat High Quality Dark Chocolate
I used to think the advice about chocolate [making you break out] was a myth, but since I’ve started working with an acupuncturist, I’ve been incorporating a lot of Chinese medicine into my practice, and there is something behind the idea that chocolate can be inflammatory. But we’ve also been exploring the benefits of high quality dark chocolate for cystic acne. It depends on the person.

3. Invest in a Good Probiotic
Gut health and skin health are really tightly linked. Probiotics are huge. High quality probiotics, in capsule form, are great, as are fermented foods like kimchi. People often say to me, “Well I eat a lot of yogurt.” But you have to be eating whole milk, low sugar yogurt to get the benefits, and you first want to make sure you’re not sensitive to dairy. That’s why I really recommend sauerkraut and kimchi.

If you start taking a high quality probiotic, you’ll usually notice a pretty big difference—you will go to the bathroom more often! You want to start with just once a day, and then work up to the recommended dosage.

All probiotics are labeled by what they contain, but it can be tricky to make sure you’re getting quality ones, even from a health food store. It’s best if you can pay a visit to a functional medicine practitioner. I don’t officially endorse them, but I use Dr. Mercola probiotics often in my practice.

4. Use Food on Your Face
While eating yogurt can by iffy if you’re sensitive to dairy, it’s great for using as a mask. It’s a little acidic and it’s nourishing, plus strengthens the flora of the skin.

I am a huge fan of using honey on the skin. It’s an amazing cure-all. Any honey is great, but Manuka honey in particular just works miracles for any skin type. It’s full of vitamins so it’s great for acne and anti-aging. I especially love it for after sun-care. To make a mask, mix about half a teaspoon of honey and mix it with half a teaspoon of warm water, and just spread it onto your skin and leave on for as long as you can before rinsing off. I’ve definitely fallen asleep with honey mask on and woken up stuck to my pillowcase. Manuka honeys are all labeled with a UMF rating, the Unique Manuka Factor. The higher the UMF, the better. I think 16+ is the highest I’ve seen.

5. Experiment with Charcoal and Sandalwood
Charcoal has always been big for the skin, but I’ve been seeing a lot of charcoal drinks coming out, like charcoal lemonades. It can be helpful if you need a detox. For example, if you’re gluten intolerant and accidentally ingest gluten, you can take a charcoal capsule to rebalance your gut.

Sandalwood is also something we’re going to be seeing a lot more of, in things like skincare oils. All essential oils are healing, and sandalwood is especially helpful for getting circulation going for healing. In Chinese medicine it’s referred to as a “blood mover,” so it can be great for congested or acne prone skin.

One Important General Tip: Don’t Strip Your Skin
I think one of the biggest mistakes I see people making is overwashing and scrubbing their skin. I recommend just cleansing once a day, at night, to remove any makeup and pollution from your skin. Then, just rinse with water in the morning. And keep your routine fairly simple.

Original article appeared on fwx.com

 10 Tips for a Total Life Renovation

10 Tips for a Total Life Renovation

Before you step into the new month fully, give this checklist a look.

Your Action Plan is a monthly to-do list of tips.
10 things you can do right now to improve yourself and your life.

This month, take a hard look at where you stand in life and renovate where necessary.
Get intentional about the things you want to change and take the first step today!

1. Stay strong.
Exercise is crucial for a healthy heart. This week, aim to walk 10,000 steps per day, and try to hit the weights twice per week.

2. Self-care.
Stay alert by taking time out of your day to meditate or do a yoga routine—anything that will help you recharge.

3. Change language.
If negative thinking is keeping you down, rewire your thought patterns by using positive phrases such as
“I can”
“I believe.”

4. Get intentional.
Are you being purposeful? Write down your goals and take time to examine your intent behind each one.

5. Fuel creativity.
To get your creative juices flowing, allow yourself to be bored. Taking a step back can give you a fresh perspective.

6. Deal with it.
When you face inconveniences, how do you handle them? When problems come your way, make the best of them rather than allowing them to defeat you.

7. Learn more.
Reading is the best investment you can make in your personal development. Set a reading goal for yourself and stick to it.

8. Be courageous.
Do risks scare you?
When faced with a risk, make a pros and cons list, then tap into your courage to tackle them with confidence.

9. Own up to it.
Leaders must take responsibility for any problems a group faces. Create a plan for what to do when a crisis occurs.

10. Aim high.
What’s your New Year’s resolution? Write it down, then break down that goal into smaller steps to make it more attainable.


Anybody who goes into Portharcourt prison, comes out as an animal- Osibanjo.

The Vice-president, Professor. Yemi Osibanjo has said that people who go into Portharcourt prison always come out as animals.

Osinbajo, while lamenting the infrastructural decay and living conditions of the inmates, described the prison as a warehouse.

He made this known during the public presentation of three volumes of prison survey report (PSR) that was compiled by the Nigerian Prison Service (NPS) and the Prisoners Rehabilitation and Welfare Action (PRAWA).

The Vice-president who was represented by the minister of interior, Abdulrahman Dambazau, said that what he saw in the prison is a reflection of the survey.

According to the vice-president, the 100-year-old prison which was originally built to accommodate 800 inmates, now holds 5000.

He said that 3700 of the inmates have been awaiting trial for over five years.

“I visited the Port Harcourt prisons yesterday. What I saw is a reflection of quite a lot of things in the survey.

“The Port Harcourt prison was built in 1918, meaning it will be 100 years old this year. There was no room for prisoners and anybody who goes into that place as a human being is coming out as an animal.

“For a very long time, our prisons had been neglected because that prison, when it was built in 1918 was meant to contain about 800 inmates, but today it is containing over 5,000 and I find that very disturbing.”

He maintained that the poor state of the prison was as a result of neglect by past administrations.

He equally lamented the “Unnecessary” adjournment of cases, saying that there is a need to look at the procedures adopted in prosecuting criminal cases in the country while maintaining there would be improvement as President Muhammadu Buhari has shown interest in prisons reform.

“The major issue we are facing now is the population of those awaiting trial; pre-trial detention. Of the about 5, 000 inmates I saw in Port Harcourt prisons, over 3,700 were those awaiting trial and I spoke with a few of them as I was moving and I found that very many of them had been in prisons for five years upward without going to court,” he said.

“Prisons are warehouses for inmates brought to them. While they can do something about their environment, they cannot do something in terms of prison population because they are just warehouses.

“My finding also reveals that prisons have been neglected over the years by the successive administration at the expense of the inmates.

“I tried to find out some of the reasons and I think in order to deal with this issue, there is the need for Departments of Public Prosecution, DPP, in the states to look at how the processes or what kind of procedures should be adopted in prosecuting criminal cases in this country.

“Secondly, investigations by police or arrest procedures must be looked into in order to look at this situation because if investigation is poor, then prosecution will be defective.

“Third is the court, they have a lot to do in terms of criminal trials. Cases are unnecessarily adjourned, though I know that there are over-lapping problems.

“It is however a thing of joy that President Muhammadu Buhari has shown keen interest in prison reforms and had carried out tremendous progress on prison rehabilitation even though funds are not there.”

Wike visits site of West Africa’s largest mall in Portharcourt, commends investor.

Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike has said that the choice of Portharcourt for the construction of West Africa’s largest supermarket reemphasises the importance of Port Harcourt as an investment destination.

The Governor who spoke after inspecting works at the site of the Next Shopping Mall at the Trans-Amadi area of Port Harcourt on Thursday, stated that his administration will support the investor by reconstructing the roads leading to the mall.

He applauded the investment, which he said will create employment opportunities for residents and the host community.

He thanked the private investor, Mr Ndibe Obi for choosing Port Harcourt for the mall, while maintaining that the city has all the facilities that will attract credible private investors.

He said: “I am highly impressed by what I have seen here today. We will encourage the investor who has put in his resources and time to see that this is done in Port Harcourt. We encourage others to come to Port Harcourt.

“In supporting him, we will make sure that the roads leading to this facility are reconstructed to enhance the value of the shopping mall.

“I have never seen anything like this in any part of this country. If this comes up, it will send signals to other people that the best place to invest is Port Harcourt .

“So I thank the private investor for choosing Port Harcourt to build this kind of Supermarket “.

In his remarks, the Private Investor, Mr Ndibe Obi said that the mall will house an 11000 square metre supermarket which will sell all types of products.

He said that facility will generate 600 direct and indirect employment for residents and the host community. He urged the Rivers State Government to support the company through amenities.

Soldiers foil Kidnap attempt at Isiokpo. (Graphic image)

Soldiers attached to the Nigerian Army’s Joint Task Force stationed at Isiokpo, has in the early hours of Thursday, February 1, killed three armed men as they attempted to abduct a pastor of the Mountain of Fire Ministries in Isiokpo, Ikwerre Local Government Area.

The pastor who was said to have returned home late on Wednesday night, was attacked in the early hours of Thursday morning, at about 12:00am.

The soldiers who responded immediately when called upon engaged the criminals in a gun duel, killing 3 of them.