Adorable Video of Davido’s Daughter Imade in Church Melts Hearts


Imade Adeleke, daughter of popular Nigerian musician Davido, has captured the affection of many online with her recent activities in church. The young girl was seen participating in bible study and choir rehearsals, accompanied by her mother, Sophia Momodu.

In a heartwarming video shared by Sophia Momodu, Imade can be seen actively engaging in her church activities alongside other children. Sophia, sitting at the back of the church, lovingly captured these precious moments.

One particular video showed Imade enthusiastically sharing details of her choir rehearsal with her mother. To Sophia’s surprise, Imade revealed she was not just a backup singer but a lead vocalist for their upcoming performance. Proud of her daughter’s involvement, Sophia commended Imade for her active role.

The videos quickly garnered attention online, with netizens praising Sophia Momodu for her dedicated presence in her daughter’s life. Many expressed admiration for Imade’s participation in church activities, highlighting the importance of parental involvement in a child’s upbringing.

Imade’s adorable presence in church has undoubtedly touched the hearts of many, showcasing the significance of family bonds.

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