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Opinion: He who comes to Rivers State must come with a nose mask

Organized Labour to IGP: Order CP to Evacuate Officers from Rivers LGA Secretariats

By Tina Amanda 


The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) in Rivers State have called on the Inspector General of Police to intervene and instruct the Commissioner of Police, Rivers State Command, to allow legitimate workers access to their offices in various Local Government Councils.

This appeal was made in a communique issued at the end of an emergency joint State Administrative Council (SAC) meeting held in Port Harcourt on Friday, June 21, 2024, in response to recent developments in the state’s political situation.

The Unions commended the men and officers of the Nigeria Police Force on their proactiveness in maintaining Law and Order in the heat of recent political upheavals. While emphasizing the need for law enforcement to facilitate the smooth functioning of local governance by ensuring workers can perform their duties without obstruction.

Both Council commended the State Governor Siminalayi Fubara for the constitution and inauguration of the

Administrative Caretaker of the twenty-three (23) Local Government Councils.

“Sequel to unfolding developments in the political landscape of Rivers

State as it affects the good workers of Rivers State has necessitated an emergency Joint State Administrative Council (SAC) meeting of both

NLC and TUC to appraise the array of actions of the various political actors and the roles being carried out by the instruments of State Institutions, considering the implications and multiplier effects on not only the working people of Rivers State but also the generality of Rivers people.

“However, the Councils-in-session frowns seriously that, the sealing of the twenty-three (23) Local Government

Councils Secretariat by men and officers of the Nigeria Police force for the reason of maintaining law and order thereby locking out our members from performing their statutory.

“While the councils of both NLC and TUC acknowledge the statutory responsibility of the Nigeria Police in maintaining Law and Orders, it is also important for such functions to be exercised in a manner that workers in this instance are not deprived access to their duty post.

“In view of tho actions of the Nigerian policemen, the quantum of man-hour loss since the occupation of the security agencies across the Twenty-Three Local

Government Councils is irrecoverable and the attendant consequences of putting people off their job with no alternative means of engagement in the society are far too weighty to contend with in instant case.

“The Councils of both NLC and TUC

Considers the action of the Governor as timely and appropriate to abhor vacuum in the administrative structure of the third tier of Government for the overall benefit of Rivers People”.

The Council’s however said they unanimously uphold the ultimatum issued by the Nigeria Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE) for the

Nigeria police to vacate and allow unfettered access of Local Government Workers to access their Offices without further delay.

The Unions further condemned the purported call by some people to declare Rivers a State of emergency.

“Councils-in-session unanimously condemn in strong terms the purported call for a State of Emergency in

Rivers State by some supposed political leaders of the State which in all ramifications do not wish Rivers State

People well, while we appreciate people’s rights to self- opinion it is also important not to allow self-centeredness to override our sense of reasoning”.

They urged the entire workers of Rivers State to be on red alert of possible actions to protect and defend the interests of Rivers State workers.

Good Samaritan narrates how Rivers girl escaped from kidnapper’s den

By Mark Lenu


A good Samaritan who gave his name as Barr. Smart Ikenga has narrated how he helped a girl who escaped from the den of her kidnapper to reunite with her family.

The girl, whose name was withheld because she is still a minor was reported to have been whisked away by her kidnapper from the town axis of Port Harcourt to a bush in Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State.

Narrating the incident to our correspondent, Ikenga said: “My nephew called from Igwurutali, in Ikwerre LGA where he is building a house that he saw this girl coming out of a bush and was asking him the way out of the bush.

“He enquired from the girl where she was coming from and the girl said she was kidnapped by somebody who asked her to enter a vehicle within the town axis of Port Harcourt and that she entered and all of a sudden, she was brought down to the bush.

Also Read:

Police Nabs Alleged Suspects over Fake Kidnap for Sum of N50M from Parents in Delta

“She said she slept in the bush all through the night with her captor and that she was lucky to escape.

“After my nephew gave me all this narration, I asked where was he and he said he was still with the girl at Igwurutali, I asked if I could talk with the girl and he gave her the phone for me to talk with her.

“So, I asked the girl her name and where she lives and she mentioned. So, I told my nephew to take the girl to our family chairman and thereafter I called the state police command and I narrated the incident to the police.

“I later called my nephew who said they were on their way to Igwurutali police station which I also told the state police command. Then I called my nephew again and he said the state police command had arrived at Igwurutali police division and that the state police personnel had gone with the girl.”

CAPPA raises alarm over Nigeria’s cholera outbreak


By Tina Amanda


The Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA) has raised the alarm over Nigeria’s latest cholera outbreak. CAPPA asserts that the recurring crisis, which affects thousands of vulnerable Nigerians, stems from the government’s failure to invest in safe public water supply.

A statement issued by its Media and Communications Officer, Robert Egbe, on 20 June 2024, follows the government’s confirmation of cholera outbreaks in more than 25 states across the nation, including Lagos.

A recent report by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) showed about 1,141 suspected cases of the disease have been recorded so far in 2024, with at least 30 deaths resulting from 65 confirmed cases of cholera from January 1 to June 11.

Additionally, the Lagos State Ministry of Health has warned that the current outbreak associated with the cholera subtype known as Serovars O1 is highly aggressive and contagious. The Ministry also announced recently that it had recorded 350 suspected cases of cholera, identifying Lagos Island as the epicenter due to its record of the highest number of suspected cases, at 106.

Also Read:

Situation report: Cholera in Rivers state

NCDC Issues Cholera Alert in Nigeria, Reports 30 Deaths and 65 Cases


According to CAPPA, state authorities have been quick to issue safety guidelines and precautionary measures, tasking citizens to maintain cleaner sanitary conditions and hygiene, without addressing underlying issues.

“Cholera is an infectious disease that causes diarrhea and severe dehydration and is typically spread through unsafe water and food contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.

“The disease, even though preventable, is particularly vicious in areas where sanitary facilities are insufficient, and the availability of safe water supply is inadequate. As such, the resolution to controlling cholera lies in the effective management of public water and sanitation systems,’’ the statement noted.

“Unfortunately, millions of Nigerians still suffer an acute lack of access to potable water supply and depend on unsafe water sources for utility,’’ Akinbode Oluwafemi, CAPPA’s Executive Director, pointed out.

“The recurring cholera crisis in Nigeria is worsened by the increasing trend of privatization of basic amenities, including public water supply, by state authorities. Where profit motives outweigh the intimate needs of the people, vulnerable populations suffer the most and are left defenseless against water-borne outbreaks such as cholera,’’ he added.

Zikora Ibeh, CAPPA’s Policy, and Research Officer, also reflected that while the Lagos State government has acknowledged the severity of the current outbreak and announced that urban slums and overcrowded areas are particularly at risk, its acknowledgment must translate into actionable plans and solutions that prioritize public welfare over corporate interests.

“Nigeria’s cholera problem is also a matter of the inequality in our society. For instance, Lagos State, which hosts millions of inhabitants and presents itself as one of the most progressive cities in the country, still lacks adequate public water supply and sanitation facilities — both fundamental human rights essential for the well-being of people.

“Yet, the state’s continued underinvestment in public water infrastructure, massive retrenchment of public water workers, and transfer of water responsibilities to third-party vendors and market-oriented investors seeking to make cut-throat profits from the basic needs of citizens dismiss and exacerbate this issue. This has left many residents, especially low-income earners and informal community inhabitants, unable to afford the cost of water, reliant on unsafe water sources, and exposed to preventable diseases.

“To prevent future outbreaks of cholera and safeguard public health, political will is required. There must be an intentional and substantial budgetary investment in public water delivery and sanitation systems across the country, particularly in informal and marginalized communities”.

The statement further called on the Nigerian government and state authorities to institutionalize the development of adequate public water supply systems to ensure that all citizens, regardless of their socio-economic status, have access to clean and safe drinking water. It also urged the government to fund public health facilities and improve the capacity of health professionals to respond to emergencies efficiently.

The organization advised citizens to protect their health by boiling their drinking water and maintaining proper sanitation and hygiene practices, such as washing their hands regularly with soap and clean water, especially before eating and after using the toilet. It also urged people to immediately report to local health centers at the onset of cholera symptoms.

Degema caretaker chairman. Soberekon promises empowerment, security

Caretaker Committee thanks Alhaji Asari for dousing the tenureship crisis



By Mark Lenu


The newly appointed caretaker committee chairman of Degema Local Government Area of Rivers State, Hon. Anthony Soberekon says his administration would focus on providing security and economic empowerment for the people of the LGA.

The chairman made this known while inaugurating the caretaker committee members of the council on Friday at the council secretariat in Degema LGA.

In his inaugural speech, Soberekon said: “I want to tell us that this privilege should not be taken for granted. We will work and make sure we serve the people like the Simplified mantra says; ‘Rivers First.’

“We are here for service and we are going to serve the people tomorrow when we leave office. We will be appreciated for what we have done.

“I also want to let us know that part of what we are going to do is to empower our people and the empowerment will cut across every community and ward of this LGA.

“We are also going to take security very seriously in this administration.

“We are also going to take human capital development very seriously in this administration.

“I want to thank you for accepting this offer to serve as a caretaker committee member. And like I have said before, let us humble ourselves and serve our people.”

Our correspondent reports that shortly after taking their oath of office, some members of the caretaker committee also used the occasion to express their appreciation to the Edi-Abali of Kalabari Kingdom, Alhaji Mujahid Dokubo Asari for the role he played in quelling the tension that rocked the secretariat right from June 17 which was the date that ended the tenure of the immediate past administration.

The Actors Guild Nigeria held a candle night for Mr Ibu,Amaechi Muonagor, and Zulu Adigwe

The Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) recently held a candlelight procession in Abuja to honor the late Nollywood veterans John Okafor, popularly known as Mr. Ibu, Amaechi Muonagor, and Zulu Adigwe. This event was a tribute to their contributions to the Nigerian film industry. The procession took place at the Unity Fountain, where fans, friends, and colleagues gathered to pay their respects.

John Okafor, affectionately known as Mr. Ibu, passed away on March 2, 2024, at the age of 62 due to cardiac arrest after a prolonged illness. Despite his health struggles, Okafor was highly revered for his comedic roles and his significant impact on Nollywood. His illness, which included a leg amputation in late 2023, garnered considerable public support and empathy

The candlelight procession for these actors highlighted the deep appreciation and sorrow felt by the Nigerian film community. The event included heartfelt speeches, moments of silence, and the lighting of candles as symbols of remembrance. Participants reflected on the enduring legacies of these actors and their contributions to the arts.

The burial arrangements for Mr. Ibu were also announced, with plans for a five-day ceremony starting on June 25, 2024. This will include a novelty match, a night dedicated to his memory with live entertainment, a Christian wake, and his final burial on June 28 in his hometown of Amuri, Enugu State. The ceremonies will conclude with a church thanksgiving on June 30

These events underscore the significant loss to the Nollywood industry and the efforts to celebrate the lives and legacies of its notable figures. The candlelight service is a testament to the profound impact these actors had on their fans and the entertainment industry as a Whole.



Go Home quietly, Asari Dokubo tells LG Chairmen

Former militant leader and Niger Delta activist, Mujahid Asari Dokubo, has advised local government chairmen in Rivers State to accept the end of their three-year tenure and vacate their positions quietly. This follows a recent court ruling that nullified the six-month tenure extension granted by the Rivers State House of Assembly. The court declared that the extension was unconstitutional and violated the provisions of the 1999 Constitution and existing state laws

The Rivers State High Court presided over by Justice Daketima Gabriel Kio, ruled that the Local Government Law No. 2 of 2024, which attempted to extend the tenure of the local government chairmen, was invalid. The court upheld that the lawful tenure for local government chairmen and councilors remains three years, as specified in the Rivers State Local Government Law No. 5 of 2018. This decision was made in response to a lawsuit filed by Enyiada Cookey-Gam and other local government chairmen against the state governor and other officials

The court’s ruling is a significant legal victory for the plaintiffs and underscores the judiciary’s role in upholding constitutional and statutory provisions against legislative and executive overreach. The judgment has effectively put an end to any attempts by the Rivers State House of Assembly to prolong the tenure of local government officials beyond the stipulated three years

Asari Dokubo’s call for the local government chairmen to accept the court’s decision highlights the importance of respecting judicial rulings and maintaining political stability. His stance reflects broader concerns about governance and the rule of law in the region, emphasizing the need for political actors to adhere to legal frameworks and avoid actions that could lead to constitutional crises

Chris Brown Stuck Mid-Air While Performing

During his Tuesday night concert at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ, R&B star Chris Brown experienced an unexpected technical issue that left him momentarily suspended mid-air. While performing his song “Under the Influence,” the wires that were supposed to glide him across the stage malfunctioned, halting his movement mid-song.

Despite the disruption, the Grammy-winning artist continued singing, and the audience initially remained unaware of the mishap. Brown signaled to the tour crew for assistance, and although visibly upset, he maintained his composure and kept performing.

The incident led to the cancellation of Brown’s scheduled meet-and-greet and a club appearance later that night. Fans, however, were supportive, flooding social media with messages of encouragement and understanding. Brown, though disappointed by the technical failure, reassured fans that he was safe and uninjured.

After a ladder was brought to the stage, Brown descended and resumed his performance, although he exchanged words with the crew member who had brought the ladder. At the end of the two-hour concert, Brown addressed the audience, expressing his frustration but also managing to joke about the situation.

The concert, part of Brown’s 11:11 tour which launched last week, featured the star performing in mid-air to a smaller stage in the center of the venue, where he showcased hits like “Take You Down” and “Wet the Bed.” His aerial performance included dancing and even singing upside down.

Tuesday night’s setlist included fan favorites such as “Go Crazy,” “No Guidance,” “Loyal,” “She Ain’t You,” “With You,” and his breakout 2005 single “Run It!” Opening acts Arya Starr and Maeta set the stage for Brown, who is set to perform two nights at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center before concluding his tour with shows at the Crypto.com Arena on August 6-7.

Police Intercepted Four Alleged ESN Militia in Anambra

Source: Facebook

The Anambra State Command said the commission has apprehended four alleged suspected Eastern Security Network (ESN) militias at Ufuma and Orumba North in Anambra State.

The police spokesperson, Tochukwu Ikenga, said in a release made available through the force Facebook page on Tuesday that the arrest was carried out by the Police-Led Joint Security Force in Aguata on Monday, June 17.

The statement explained that, “Among the four suspects arrested is one Maduabuchi Nwafor A K A Omenkpo ‘M’, aged 32, a native of Ufuma. He has been identified as one of the native doctors who prepares criminal charms for the group and uses his shrine for initiation ceremonies and meeting points for the criminals.”

“Also, one of the suspects’ names was withheld, and someone who is already assisting the police with information confessed to being one of the gunmen dispatched by the group to enforce illegal sit-at-home on May 30th, 2024.”

Source: Facebook

                      Related Post

In the bid to stop insurgency within the state, the Commissioner of Police, Nnaghe Itam, has directed that an in-depth investigation be carried out, highlighting that their aim was to locate their hideout.

He further pledged to the resident that during the course of his stay as CP, the Police Command, would “jealously protect the sources of its information to protect informers from harm.”

Victor Osimhen Takes Caf Award To His Primary School

Nigerian football star Victor Osimhen recently made a heartfelt visit to his former primary school, Olusosun Primary School, located in the Oregun area of Ikeja, Lagos State. During this visit, Osimhen brought along his prestigious Confederation of African Football (CAF) award, celebrating his significant achievements in football.

Osimhen’s return to his roots was marked by an enthusiastic reception from both students and staff. The striker, who now plays for Napoli in Italy’s Serie A, expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome he received. He reminisced about his early days, visiting his old classroom and meeting with his former teacher. This event was not just a trip down memory lane but also a way for Osimhen to inspire the current students of Olusosun Primary School by showing them what is possible through hard work and determination.

Osimhen’s career has been on an upward trajectory, highlighted by his performance in the 2022-2023 season where he helped Napoli win the Serie A title, becoming the first African to be the league’s top scorer with 26 goals. His impressive feats also include winning the Italian Footballers’ Association Player of the Year award and being named in the Serie A Team of the Year.

The visit also featured Osimhen being warmly mobbed by fans, capturing the joy and admiration of the local community. He shared photos and videos of this memorable visit on his Instagram, thanking the Oregun community for their continuous love and support.

Osimhen’s journey from a small neighborhood in Lagos to become a celebrated international football star serves as an inspiring story for many young Nigerians, showcasing that dedication and resilience can lead to global recognition and success.



G60 Lawmakers Call for Treason Charges Against Ex-LGA Chairmen in Rivers State

Abuja, Nigeria – In a dramatic turn of events, federal lawmakers comprising the G60 group have demanded immediate treason charges against 23 former Local Government Chairmen in Rivers State. These chairmen, whose three-year tenures constitutionally ended recently, attempted to unlawfully retain power, prompting strong condemnation from lawmakers led by Hon. Ikenga Imo Ugochinyere.

At an emergency press conference held at the National Assembly, Hon. Ugochinyere, supported by Hon. Aliyu Mustapha, Hon. Matthew Nwogu, and Hon. Midaila Usman, accused the former chairmen of violating various legal statutes designed to protect democratic processes. He specifically cited sections of the Criminal Code Act, Nigeria Police Act, and the Constitution of Nigeria, which prohibit any unlawful attempt to seize governmental power.

“We consider this brazen attempt by the former LGA chairmen as nothing short of treason,” declared Hon. Ugochinyere. “Their actions not only defy legal norms but also threaten the democratic fabric of our nation.”

The lawmakers expressed deep concern over reports that the former chairmen allegedly planned to conduct an illegal swearing-in ceremony using magistrates and judges from neighboring states, in defiance of their expired tenure. They commended Governor Similaye Fubara and the people of Rivers State for resisting what they termed a “coup against democracy.”

“We salute the courage of the Rivers state people who stood firm against this unconstitutional act,” remarked Hon. Ugochinyere. “Their actions are commendable under Section 20 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act, empowering citizens to prevent crimes in progress.”

Quoting relevant legal provisions, Hon. Ugochinyere emphasized the severity of the offense, stating, “Section 37 of the Criminal Code Act clearly defines treason as an act of war against the state, punishable by death.”

In contrast, the lawmakers praised Governor Fubara for allowing the former chairmen to complete their term peacefully, despite challenges. They emphasized that democracy must prevail and any attempt to subvert it should face legal consequences.

“The failed attempt by these former LGA chairmen is a stark reminder that democracy is fragile and must be safeguarded at all costs,” declared Hon. Mustapha. “We call on the judiciary to swiftly intervene and ensure justice prevails in this matter.”

The G60 lawmakers called on the Rivers State Government to initiate treason charges against the former chairmen and their accomplices, urging the judiciary to remain vigilant against any further attempts to undermine lawful governance in the state.

“This incident serves as a warning to anyone contemplating such actions in the future,” warned Hon. Nwogu. “The rule of law must be upheld, and those who attempt to circumvent it will face the full force of justice.”

The press conference concluded with a call to all Nigerians to uphold democratic principles and respect the rule of law. The lawmakers expressed optimism that the legal process would serve as a deterrent against future attempts to subvert constitutional governance