Kpofire boys block, puncture operational vehicle tyres of Civilian JTF

Brave Dickson

Angered by the onslaught on them, the operators of illegal refining of crude oil popularly called Kpofire boys have blocked and punctured the operational vehicle tyres of Civilian JTF.

In an interview with our correspondent, the South-South/South-East Commander of the Civilian JTF, Nwachukwu Adah said, “the fight against illegal bunkering has been tough as some of my men have been wounded too.

“We have burnt a lot of motorbikes, camps and equipment used by Kpofire boys within Rivers and Imo states in the last one week.

“Kpofire boys have shown us that they have enough sophisticated firearms which they have been using to engage us in a gun duel.

“Just on Saturday in Imo State, we destroyed seven illegal bunkering camps.

“What these Kpofire boys have resorted to do as a way of vetting their anger is to block our operational vehicles and puncture our tyres.”

The Civilian JTF Commander also claimed that his team had cleared all illegal oil refining sites in Rivers State.