We’re Delighted Coming Back To Our Alma Mater – Alumni President

Gladys Nweke

The President-General of Rumuokwuta Old Girls’ Association (ROGA), of the Government Girls’ Secondary School Rumuokwuta, Port-Harcourt, Mrs. Ethel Finecountry Isiwele, has said that she and other members of the association who left the school in 1987 had great feelings of happiness coming back to the school thirty-one years after.

GGSS Rumuokwuta Alumni President-General who spoke with newsmen on behalf of members of the association shortly after the commissioning ceremony of the school located in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area said that they were happy to come back to their old school, saying that a lot had changed from the time they were students in the college.

She said that members of the group were grateful to God for the work the governor of Rivers State, Chief Nyesom Wike, had done in the school.

According to her, Wike did not only rebuild the school but also provided state-of-the-art facilities in addition to making it a boarding school.

Isiwele said “We are overwhelmed with joy and gratitude to God Almighty for this work that God has done (through Governor Nyesom Wike). We are very happy. We left (this school) in 1987.

She said that she was the first “bell ringer” of the school and also later became Labour and Music Prefect of the school, recalling that there was so much discipline in the school in their time, adding that there was also much competition among the students of the college then.

“The discipline they gave us then was much compared to now and that’s why I don’t want to talk more than this. In fact, if you look at us, the uniform and everything about us was wonderful” she noted.

The President-General, on behalf of the members of the group, advised the students of the college to obey school rules and take their studies seriously, adding that they should see them as their role models.

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