300 level UNN student commits’ suicide

Daniel Mba, a 300 level student of the Biochemistry department at the University of Nigeria Nsukka, on Friday, 12th of March 2021, committed suicide by plunging from the third floor of a storey building.

The deceased, from Aninri Local Government Area of Enugu State, was caught cheating with his phone during the ongoing examination in his department, and a lecturer reportedly seized his phone, tore his script a few minutes to the end of the exam and handed him a new script to start afresh.

The deceased left the examination hall, went to his lodge at Onuiyi, in Nsukka Local Government Area of the state and allegedly injected some poisonous substances, including rat poison. When the poisons failed to produce an immediate result, the student jumped from a storey building around 11:34 pm.

He was rushed to the Bishop Shanahan Hospital, Nsukka, where he died in the early hours of Saturday, March 13. May his soul rest in peace.