Peace of mind returned to some parts of Rivers State as Men of the  Rivers State Police Command has blown open a criminal venture that has been targeting e-cab drivers in the state.  An investigation sparked by the disappearance of an e-cab, driver, Oghenevwarhe Akpobome, led to the arrest of 35-year-old Anthony Chima, a political science graduate from Ignatius Ajuru University

Anthony Chima’s confession to the police revealed that belonged to a gang that forte in luring cab drivers into ambushes, stealing their vehicles, and ultimately murdering them for ritualistic purposes and organ harvesting among other crimes.

He revealed that he was brought into the gang by a friend he disclosed as Amfoh Abu, who introduced him to the gang’s armorer, a man known as “Reason,” and the notorious ringleader, “General Effizy,” a notable figure in a cult group and a seasoned kidnapper.

During the police interrogation on Akpobome’s demise,  Chima recounted the events of January 10, 2024.

He said: “On that fateful day, I was summoned to Reason’s residence and instructed to call a driver whose number I had previously collected. Posing as a passenger, I then lured the Uber driver to a remote area in Aminigboko, where I and Reason were met by General Effizy and four armed gang members.”

According to the suspect, the driver was forcefully removed from the vehicle and taken to Effizy’s shrine, where he was bound, gagged, and cruelly murdered.

While addressing Pressmen in Rivers State, the state Police Public Relations Officer, Grace Iringe-Koko, said that “Chima’s involvement in the gruesome act was confirmed when the police, following his confession, recovered the victim’s skull and a locally fabricated Beretta pistol from General Effizy’s residence.

Following the shocking state of matters Rivers State Police Commissioner, Tunji Disu, was promoted to advise both citizens and Uber drivers.”

“He urged them to exercise caution when boarding or transporting passengers, especially to remote or potentially dangerous areas.”

The police spokesperson said: “Investigation is ongoing, with the authorities still searching for the fleeing suspects involved in this chilling criminal enterprise.” 

She said the case serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that lurk in the shadows and the importance of vigilance and cooperation between law enforcement and the public in maintaining the safety of all citizens.

 Meanwhile, the suspect who is presently in the police net would be charged in court immediately.

Another Win for the Rivers State Police Command.

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