Banky W survives Skin cancer Surgery

Popular Nigerian singer, Bankole Wellington, also known as Banky W, has undergone a fourth surgery for skin cancer.

The singer made this known via his Instagram page on Thursday.

He said that he decided to share the testimony online to encourage others who are passing through challenges.

He wrote, “Final Score Christ 4 Cancer Tumors 0.

“Sometimes, your faith in God will not stop the storms from coming… but it will carry you through the storms. Faith won’t always stop you from hurting, but it will aid your healing process, and it will help you deal with whatever it is.

“God never said the weapons wouldn’t form, He promised that they wouldn’t prosper. He never said the enemy wouldn’t come… He promised that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God would raise up a standard against him.

“Posting this testimony to encourage anyone out there who is going through a challenge. It might seem bigger than you, but greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world.

The singer appreciated his wife, family, friends, pastors, and doctors for their “love, prayers, and support”.

He added, “We have the victory  again. Now and forever, in Jesus’ name.”

Banky W had in 2017 undergone a third cancer surgery and this is the fourth cancer surgery he is undergoing.

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