Rivers: Court orders police to pay 3 million naira to Eze Ekpeye Logbo

By Tina Amanda

A High Court sitting in Port Harcourt has ordered the Nigerian Police Force to pay the sum of three million naira as compensation to His Royal Majesty Eze Kelvin Anugwo Ekpeye Logbo, for illegally arresting him on September 10, 2023, and detaining him for eighty-two (82) days over the death of Divisional Police Officer of Ahoada East late S.P. Bako Amgbashim.

The presiding Judge, Justice A.M. Oriye while delivering his judgment ordered the Police to tender a public apology to the applicant in a national paper for infringement of the fundamental rights of the Applicant as enshrined in cap. IV of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended).

Justice Oriye also issued an order of injunction restraining the Police from further threatening, arresting, re-arresting or harassing the applicant with respect to the death of the late SP Bako Amgbashim.

The Court granted the cost of two hundred thousand (N200,000.00) naira in favor of the Applicant against the Respondents.

In an interview with our Correspondent shortly after the judgment, Counsel to Eze Ekpeye Logbo, Ikashi Saturday Emehi, described the judgment as justice for the Ekpeye people.

“The stool of Eze Ekpeye Logbo is an ancient stool and for the occupant to have been humiliated to that point we needed to test it by law because everyone is subject to law.

“The court doing justice to this matter shows the court is the last hope for the common man the court has made this pronouncement

“We have started a process of enforcing the judgment. We have written to the Commissioner of Police, IG of Police, CP Rivers State has been served of the judgment seeking their compliance within two weeks upon the receipt of the judgment and judgment order.

“Where they fail to comply we follow due process as stipulated by law”.

The applicant His Royal Majesty Eze Ekpeye Logbo had approached the court in suit number PHCA044/FHR23, to determine whether his arrest and detention by the Police over the death of Divisional Police Officer of Ahoada East LGA, SP Bako Amgbashim was lawful.

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