Sympathizers mourn as cultists killed DPO, Angbanshin in Ahoada

By Brave Dickson
Sympathizers have mourned the killing of a Police Divisional Officer, SP Bako Angbanshin by suspected cultists in the Ahoada axis of Rivers State.
Angbanshin was killed in a daring gun duel between the police and the cultists who were said to have ambushed the DPO.
One of the sympathizers, Godspower Ipianeh was quoted as saying that: “To the best of my knowledge, Angbanshin was one gallant police officer I know and very combatant.
“He was a man that followed criminals into the den and he does not joke with his police duties.
“The death of Angbanshin as a matter of fact, is a great loss to both the police and members of the public. Angbanshin, until his death was a crime fighter.”
Meanwhile, the Rivers State Police Command has vowed to track and prosecute the gunmen who ambushed and killed Angbanshin, in Odumude Community, Ahoada East Local Government Area of the state on Friday night.
The state police command through its commissioner. Emeka Nwonyi said Angbanshin led a team of operatives to raid some criminal hideouts in the area and while returning, gunmen suspected to be cultists ambushed them.

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