Strike: ASUU, FG meeting end in deadlock as parties fail to resolve issues

The meeting between the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) and the Federal Government to resolve the ongoing strike action of the union ended in a deadlock.

It was gathered that a team from the FG met with the representatives of ASUU at the headquarters of the National Universities Commission on Tuesday afternoon to resolve the six-month old strike.

A senior member of ASUU who spoke to Channels Television said that members of FG’s renegotiation committee did not tender any new offer.

He stated that the committee only pleaded with the lecturers to suspend the strike, with promises that their concerns will be included in the 2023 budget.

It was also learnt that the aggrieved lecturers staged a walkout after rejecting the proposal.

ASUU had embarked on a strike on Monday, February 14,2022 following the failure of the government to meet the union’s demands.