Police kill 6 suspected kidnappers in Edo

The Edo State Police Command, on Wednesday, said it has neutralised six suspected kidnappers along the Benin-Lagos expressway.

Spokesperson of the command, SP Kontongs Bello, who disclosed this in a statement said the kidnappers are believed to be part of the notorious gang terrorizing the expressway and environs.

According to Bello, operatives rescued passengers of an 18 seater bus intercepted by the suspects while travelling from Lagos to the East.

In the statement, he said, “luck ran out on the suspected kidnappers while trying to whisk away passengers of an 18 seater bus they intercepted travelling from Lagos to the East.

“The team of operatives, on sighting the suspected kidnappers engaged them in a gun duel, the superior firepower of the team of police operatives injured six (6) of them and were subsequently arrested, taken to the hospital but confirmed dead by the medical practitioner on duty, while others fled in different directions with various degrees of bullet injuries, one pump action was recovered from the scene.

“Meanwhile, all the passengers on board were rescued unhurt, profiled and asked to continue their journey. Bush combing is ongoing to arrest other fleeing gang members.”