Ayade gifts Cross River Judges SUVs

Cross River State Governor, Ben Ayade has presented new vehicles to newly-appointed judges in the state.

The governor, who made the presentation to Akon Ikpeme, the chief judge of the state, in Calabar, promised to also improve the welfare of the judges.

In a statement, Ayade said the gesture is a way of appreciating the judges for “standing with the truth”.

“I’m here with the chief judge of Cross River state, justice Akon Ikpeme. I’m here to make a presentation to our judicial officers, the vehicles that befit their status because I have seen that the Nigerian judiciary is a dependable arm of government, an arm of government that gives hope to the common man, an arm of government that dispenses justice.

“I’m particularly happy and I’m using this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Nigerian judiciary for standing on the side of the law, by standing with the truth.

“Against this background, the people of Cross River state want to show appreciation to the judiciary. On behalf of the government and people of Cross River state, I hereby present these jeeps and cars to you.”

Recall that last week, a Federal High Court in Abuja had struck out the suit brought before him by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) suit seeking the removal of Ayade and his deputy from office following their defection to the All Progressives Congress (APC).