Activists mark 3rd anniversary of youths killed during 2019 election in Abonnema

Brave Dickson

Activists drawn from the Civil Liberty Organisation and the Movement for the Survival of the Izon Ethnic Nationality have marked the 3rd anniversary of the youths who were killed during the 2019 general election in Abonnema, the headquarters of Akuku-Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State.

The March 23, 2019, general elections were characterised by mass killings of some youths in Abonnema by alleged soldiers.

The activists who dressed in black T-shirts and jeans trousers also staged a peaceful walk on the streets of Abonnema with banners inscribing words such as: “Say No To Election Violence” among others.

Speaking with our correspondent, the state Chairman of the Civil Liberty Organisation, Clifford Solomon condemned the killing of the youths by soldiers.

The state CLO chairman also urged the federal government to stop deploying soldiers during elections, adding that the Nigerian election is not Russia/Ukraine war.

On his part, the MOSIEND National Director of Mobilization, Abubakar Brown sympathised with the families of those whose loved ones were killed during the 2019 general elections.

He advised youths to resist being used by politicians to rig future elections, insisting that the bloody 2019 elections should be the last in the area.