President of PH Steady Run Club declared missing

Brave Dickson

The founder and president of Port Harcourt Steady Run Club, Steady Onome Idisi is missing.

The club was established in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital by Idisi for body fitness.

Narrating the mystery surrounding the whereabouts of Idisi, the club’s head of technical, Eugene Abel told our correspondent that their missing club president traveled to Asaba, Delta State for Rotary event.

“Idisi and his friend checked out of their hotel room in Asaba on Sunday as they began their returning journey to Port Harcourt.

“Since then, nothing has been said of Idisi and his friend again.

“Contacts have been made far and near in order to find him but of no avail.”

Other friends and colleagues of Idisi had taken to the social media to announce his disappearance while calling on well meaning Nigerians to help spread the news.