Blackout hits parts of Okrika as hoodlums steal transformer cables

Brave Dickson

Some communities in the Okrika Local Government Area of Rivers State have been thrown into total darkness, following the stealing of transformer cables by hoodlums.

The affected dwellers of Ibaka, ATC and Ogoloma communities woke up in the morning not having electricity but noticed electricity in neighbouring communities.

The theft was discovered when they visited their transformer in order to unravel the reason they don’t have electricity.

When contacted, the Community Development Committee Chairman of Ibaka Community, Jeremiah Omu told our correspondent that one Tamunosiki Okpoko (aka Sikipu) has been arrested in connection with the theft.

After interrogating the suspect, the police are now looking for Temple and Anderson Jnr who are at large.

“The transformer cables were successfully stolen at night, it was in the morning we noticed something was wrong via the total blackout in the Ibaka community we experienced.

“Efforts have been made to recover the stolen transformer cables and we have also put adequate security measures in place to forestall future occurrence,” the CDC chairman said.