Wike donates 50 million to widows of fallen heroes, asks Buhari to double efforts in nation’s security

Rivers State Governor Nyesom Wike has announced the donation of N50million for the empowerment of widows of fallen soldiers, who he said dedicated their lives to the service of the nation.

Wike announced the donation on Saturday in commemoration of the 2022 Armed Forces Remembrance Day, held at the Isaac Boro Park, Port Harcourt.

In his speech, the governor commended soldiers, who he said has been on the war front for years trying to salvage the security challenges that have befallen the country in recent times.

“To serve in our armed forces is to answer the most ennobling national call to defend our nation’s territorial integrity and to protect our sovereignty as an independent nation.

“They answered the national call and fought in the first and second world wars to preserve world peace and security.

“They answered this call and readily participated in peace-keeping missions in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Somalia, South Sudan and some other countries both in Africa and across the world.

“They answered this solemn call when they fought the 30 months of civil war to defend the territorial integrity of the Nigerian nation and prevented it from disintegration.

“Even now, our nation has been at war for over ten years with our armed forces seriously engaged in offensive combat against the different terrorist groups, including Boko Haram, the Islamic State of West Africa Province, and bandits who are fanatically bent on destroying our country in vain pursuit of their devilish social, economic and religions agendas.

“In all these wars and violent conflicts, whether within or outside the nation’s shores, what we all know is that our armed forces are and have been the primary victims,” the governor stated.

Wike further urged President Muhammadu Buhari to redouble efforts in fulfilling his electoral promise of securing the country.

He noted that Nigeria was at the crossroads and everyone was wary about the prolonged Boko Haram insurgency in parts of the country.

According to him, “The generality of Nigerians believe that the progress made can’t be good enough insofar as Boko Haram and its affiliates are still active in the North-East, North-West and some other parts of the country, killing, maiming and kidnapping helpless people, including school children, and destroying and displacing hapless communities.

“We, therefore, call on Mr President to redouble his efforts and fulfil his cardinal electoral promise to secure the country and ensure that Nigerians feel safe and remain safe and secure wherever they are in their own country.”

The governor highlighted the need for the Federal Government to take the equipping of the nation’s armed forces as a top priority.

At a celebration event held at the Government House, the governor announced the donation of N50million to empower widows of fallen heroes.