Unknown gunmen abduct paramount ruler of Ahoada West, rob wife

Brave Dickson

The Paramount Ruler of Isua JK2 Community in Ahoada West Local Government Area of Rivers State, His Royal Highness, Ekiavie Amedi has been abducted by unknown gunmen.

Narrating the incident to our correspondent, the victim’s wife, Divine Ekiavie said, “at about 1am in the morning, my husband woke up to pee not knowing his abductors have besieged our house.

“Three of the gunmen entered our sitting room and asked me to give them money on gunpoint.

“I brought out the only 30,000 naira I have and gave it to the gunmen before they left.

“They picked my husband and took him away and after a short while, we heard gunshot at our community. waterfront.”

A statement made by the community secretary and woman leader, Wisdom Owolo and Madam Roland confirmed that the matter had been reported to security agencies.

Our correspondent reliably gathered that the abductors had not established any contacts with the victim’s family nor anyone for ransom since he was kidnapped during the wee hours of New Year Day this year.