Ogonis predict more killings, warn FG against oil resumption through back door

Brave Dickson

More Ogonis at home and in the Diaspora have predicted killings if crude oil resumption in the area is achieved through the back door.

There are ongoing moves by the federal government to resume oil exploration in Ogoniland.

Some leaders in Ogoni have thrown their weights behind the resumption of oil exploration in the area and are in secret talks with the federal government.

A group seeking for political autonomy for the Ogoni people, the Ogoni Central Indigenous Authority (OCIA) had warned against any attempt to resume oil exploration in the area through the back door.

One of the leaders of OCIA, Godwin Baribefii in a chat with our correspondent said any negotiation on oil resumption that does not include the Ogoni Bill of Rights is tantamount to drilling the crude through the back door.

Baribefii said, “those unpatriotic Ogoni leaders who want oil resumption through the back door should have a rethink because it will not work.

“The youths of Ogoni are prepared and armed with anger and would not allow peace to reign if crude oil resumption does not answer the questions that are contained in the Ogoni Bill of Rights.

“I pity any Ogoni man or woman that will be part of any negotiation for the resumption of crude in Ogoniland on personal interest.

“Ogonis have gone through a lot and we are not happy that because of this crude oil in our land, the federal government killed our prominent heroes.”

He further said the endless pains inflicted on the Ogonis by the federal government had made the people to be wiser and stronger, adding that nobody including the federal government can resume oil exploration through the back door in peace.