Man divorces wife for not knowing how to cook

A Customary Court in Mapo in Ibadan, Oyo State, dissolved a 15-month-old marriage of a sales attendant, Stephen Akinseloye, over his wife’s poor cooking and lack of manners.

Mr Akinseloye, who lives in the Elewura-Challenge area in Ibadan, told the court that his wife, Opeyemi, has caused him so much pain by her immaturity.

Delivering judgment, the President of the court, Chief Ademola Odunade held that Ms Opeyemi was responsible for the damage done to her relationship because she failed to acquire basic requirements for living a happy marital life.

Mr Odunade consequently dissolved the marriage, citing irreconcilable differences as reasons.

He granted custody of the only child to Opeyemi.

He ordered Akinseloye to pay N4, 000 monthly for the child’s upkeep.

In his testimony, Mr Akinseloye, said: “Opeyemi cannot make simple eba. She puts too much salt in the food. I have shown her and corrected her but she has refused to learn.

“She is also clumsy. She destroyed my Plasma TV and lies on minor things.

“She has also refused to join me in prayers. I am a Catholic, she keeps going to Celestial Church,’’ Mr Akinseloye said.

The defendant who opposed the suit denied some of the allegations levelled against her.

Ms Opeyemi accused her husband of being a flirt.