Ayade demolishes estate belonging to notorious kidnapper

Cross River State government on Thursday demolished a mini estate owned by a notorious kidnap Kingpin, Kufre Eyo Etim a.k.a” ROMANCE” at Edim Ita Street off CRUTECH community, Calabar South, LGA of the state.

The Security Adviser to Gov Ayade (Southern Senatorial District), Hon Ani Esin who led the team for the demolition exercise said the kingpin has been on the watch list of government for a long time now.

He said after a thorough investigation and proper verification they swung into action by demolishing his mini-estate and they have made some arrest of some people close to him and they are giving them useful information.

“Kufre has been on our wanted list and we have been on his trail and surveilling him for a very long time too, after intelligence gathering and detailed investigation we swung into action by demolishing his mini-estate.

“He owns a mini estate containing various flats and we are still after him and others like him and, we have his father with us and he is giving us useful information and we are certain that we will get him and others like him. It is no more business as usual because Ayade means business.

“He is amongst the 35 persons declared wanted recently by the Cross River state government and we are not relenting in making sure that crime is a thing of the past in the state.

“There shall be no hiding place for criminals, whether cultists, armed robbers, Kidnappers, their assets will be confiscated and demolished. Ayade is serious about ensuring we maintain our status as the safest place in Nigeria.

“Others like him should take note and leave Cross River, I want to also make it clear that he never sold tickets for any government agency as alleged, he is a criminal and we are after him and his cohorts,” Esin said.

Recall that the Cross River state government had earlier declared 35 persons wanted including a Councillorship candidate of the People’s Democratic Party, PDP of Ward 6, Cyril Bassey. Vanguard learned that Kufre was amongst them and the government has been on his trail for a long time now.
