FIDA calls on girls, parents to report incidents of child sexual abuse

Tina Amanda

Following the high rate of sexual molestation of underage female children in the state, the International Federation of Women Lawyers FIDA in collaboration with Medical Women Association has taken to communities to sensitize the people on the dangers of involving such act.

Chairperson of FIDA, Antonia Osademe, who spoke to journalist during the Rumuagholu community sensitization, encouraged victims of rape to report the incidence, adding that young girls with such experiences need help as they are constantly traumatized.

She called on parents and caregivers not to hide themselves from speaking out on crimes like that as shying away from it helps the culprit commit more heinous act, thereby making the underage children at risk of further attacks.

She noted that FIDA is out to fight and ensure that perpetrators of child abuse are tried and prosecuted under the Child’s Right Act.

On his part, the Oji Orho one of Rumuagholu and member council of traditional rulers Rumuagholu, Elder Prince Nda-okani, thanked FIDA for the enlightenment programme and assured the organization that the people of Rumuagholu will not hesitate to call on them when the need arises.


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