Facebook new feature tells your crush how you feel about them

Facebook plans to tell your secret crush that you are crushing on them.

This is as the company is about launching a new feature, called “Secret Crush”, which will allow people to tell it who they’re into. If other people say the same about you, there will be a match – and both people will be notified, Independent.co.uk reports.

The feature is a part of Facebook Dating, which was unveiled last year and allows people to find potential matches within their communities on Facebook, showing others who attending the same events, part of the same groups, or are friends with your friends.

That feature has so far been available in Colombia, Thailand, Canada, Argentina, and Mexico and is now rolling out to 14 extra countries: Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Guyana, and Suriname.

Facebook said it had come as a way of allowing users to match up with their friends. “People have told us that they believe there is an opportunity to explore potential romantic relationships within their own extended circle of friends,” it said in its announcement.

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When it is enabled, you can select up to nine of their Facebook friends that you want to “express interest in”.

If any of those people have opted into the Facebook Dating feature, they will get a notification saying that someone has a crush on them.

Then, if that person adds you to your list of secret crushes, a match will happen. You’ll then be able to speak to each other about that crush.

Facebook said that if a person isn’t on Dating, hasn’t created a Secret Crush list, or doesn’t add you to it, it will never tell your secret crushes that you have entered your friend into it.

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