I beat my wife because of disobedience, man tells court

A Mapo Customary Court in Ibadan on Friday dissolved the 25-year-old marriage between a commercial driver, Oluwole Kolapo, and his wife Temitope for the lack of love.

The President of the court, Chief Ademola Odunade, announced the decision, saying that there was no need keeping a relationship that had already been damaged.

He awarded custody of the three children from the union to Oluwole since they were already of age.

The court, however, directed Temitope to seek the approval of the court anytime she wanted to see her children in the interest of peace and order.

Earlier, Oluwole told the court that he usually beat his wife, Temitope, because of her disobedience to him.

Countering his wife’s allegation of battery and infidelity, Oluwole said that his wife never took instructions from him for any reason.

“It is very true that I beat Temitope and it is due to her constant disobedience to me.

“She is used to visiting witch doctors for spiritual consultation in spite my warning to her.

“I was unhappy when I came across a heap of all sorts of charms in Temitope’s wardrobe and that is the reason for our usual fighting.

“Temitope doesn’t even love her children because I am left to cater for them on most occasions.

“In fact, she has voluntarily abandoned the three children to me since October, 2018,” Oluwole said.

Temitope, a trader and a resident of Olomi area of Ibadan, had approached the court and asked it to dissolve the marriage because things had completely fallen apart between here and the husband.

“If I commit any slightest mistake at home, Oluwole does not hesitate to beat me, even during pregnancy.

“There was even a time in which I was hospitalized after he beat me.

“Besides, Oluwole is a drunk as well as a womaniser.

“Most of the times, he abandoned the children and I only to follow other women in town.

“Oluwole doesn’t cater for the children whenever he sees me, but cares for them in my absence.

“Elderly people in our community have intervened many times without any solution.

“There is no more love between us, separate us,” Temitope pleaded.


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