Baron Roy
The map below is that showing that of the Distribution Companies in Nigeria. It’s an interesting map.
The tiny portion showing the Ikeja and Eko DISCOs is responsible for about 30% of the grid-connected generation with the Egbin Plant, and responsible for about 20% of the consumption.
The area showing the Ibadan DISCO has Omotosho & Olorunsogo Power Plants embedded in it. The Abuja DISCO (wonder why it’s called that) has the Kainji and Jebba Dams alongside the Geregu Power Plant in Kogi.
The Benin DISCO has the Sapele, Ughelli, and Okpai Power Plants Plants (and the private, unfired and unconnected Azura Power Plant).
The Port Harcourt DISCO has the Afam Power Plant within it. And Ibom, Omoku & Trans Amadi Power Plants (owned by the state governments but prevented from functioning by federal regulations).
The Kaduna DISCO has the Shiroro Dam.
Jos, Yola, Enugu, and Kano DISCOs have no generation assets within their areas.
With the information above, it is obvious that the DISCOs (especially with embedded generation assets) could each be converted into a regional grid with loosely connected HVAC systems between regional grids.
Each regional grid could have its own Market and Systems Operators and reliability companies to satisfy their customers.
Each DISCO could act as a regional grid and get private IPPs/municipal utilities to generate, sell to them or sell directly to the load centres. With this method, the DISCO/Regional Grid would be responsible for their own grid infrastructure thus relieving the federal government the huge capital burden of an impossible attempt to provide power for all.
But I understand that the single grid system is a national security issue! Lol…where do they learn these stupid policies?
The suggestion given above is exactly what takes place in Australia. Regional Grids with excess electricity would simply sell to others.
Municipalities and private investors would fall over one another to provide the generation and distribution infrastructure while the System Operator of the Regional Grid would concentrate on their regional transmission backbone.
Dear Readers, let your mind fly and simply imagine the enormous economic activities that could come from constructing about 500 power plants at the same time across the country; 20mW, 50mW to 100mW plants built across the country by private local and foreign investors, and municipalities without the obstructive interference of the federal government? Just imagine how many jobs would be created…the sale of construction materials and the attendant taxes…
The economy would soar…and there shall be light!
Alas, there are neither regional governments nor municipalities. Common sense shows that this is the way to go, but the 1999 Constitution has us locked down in misery! None of your candidates would confess to you that this is the way to go! They want to be president and governors and control the fraud we call the Electric Power Industry and have access to obscene funds that disappear down their black throats while doing a whole lot of nothing!
The 1999 Constitution prevents the right thing to be done. And with your silence and validation, you ensure the misery of your own people! There’s no common sense in knowing the right thing but choose the wrong thing. It’s befuddling.
Mind you, that map is almost likened to the map of what about 10 constituent autonomous regions could look like. I think Mr. Jonathan did have a secret plan for regional governments along pseudo ethnic nationality lines embedded inside the DISCOs. See the map and read the (10) Parliamentary Regions on this wall. There is more…stay with us.
We must #restructureOrBurst…or keep up with this sham!