APC Decampees To Secure Nomination Form For Wike

Gladys Nweke

Former Acting Chairman of Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local Government Area has declared that some chieftains of the party in the local government area have concluded plans to secure nomination forms for Governor Nyesom Wike’s second term bid come 2019.

Ikechukwu Awari who recently defected to the Peoples Democratic Party from All Progressive Congress made this known while speaking with theportcitynews.com in Port Harcourt on Friday.

He noted that he and his fellow defectors at a rally in Omoku unanimously decided to secure nomination form for Wike whom he said deserved a second term to enable him to continue with the good works he is doing for the state.

According to him, “our decision is informed by the good works he is doing in ONELGA in particular and the state in general”, stressing the need for Governor Wike to be given another mandate to complete his new Rivers Vision.

“This is a way of appreciating and encouraging him to continue with his kind gestures to the people of Rivers State”, Awari stressed, pointing out that there is no Wike and match of Wike in the APC or any of the opposition parties in the state.

He added: “particulary in the APC which I came from, there’s no one like Wike and more so, the party is dead and buried across the country”.

Awari noted that the APC had proved itself as a collapsed party in ONELGA just as it has performed below the expectations of Nigerians at national and state scenes, stressing that those capable of winning elections in ONELGA have defected to the PDP.

While calling on the people of ONELGA and the entire state to remain steadfast and continue to support Governor Wike’s administration, Awari said the pair of the state chief executive and the PDP chairman, Bro Felix Obuah was a perfect match for the onward transformation of the state.

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