Again, Nigeria ranks low in the Global Gender Gap report.

Nigeria has yet again ranked low in the Global Gender Gap Report.

Nigeria took 122nd position in the World Economic Forum Report behind other African countries like Gambia and Burkina Faso.

The report which was based on four key subindex that includes: Economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival and political empowerment, studied and surveyed the gaps between men and women in a total of 144 countries.

Key variables for the study were derived from the four key subindex and matched with data from different international organizations like the world Bank, world health organization and Unesco.

The indicators where chosen by focusing on gaps rather than level which captured gaps in outcome variables rather than gaps in input variables.
It also ranked countries according to gender equality rather than women empowerment.

The study accessed resources and opportunities in the countries captured rather than actual levels of the available resources and opportunities in those countries and evaluated countries based on outcomes rather than inputs or means.

It provided a snapshot of where men and women stand with regards to some fundamental outcome indicators related to basic rights such as health, education, economic participation and political empowerment.

In the Global Index, Nigeria ranked 122 out of 144 countries. However, it ranked 37 out of 144 countries, above France, Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands and Spain in Economic Participation and Opportunity subindex.

African countries like Burundi, Botswana and Rwanda were ranked 1st, 6th and 7th out of the captured 144 countries in the Economic Participation And Opportunity subindex.

In the Educational Attainment subindex, Nigeria was ranked 135 out of the 144 captured countries as against Botswana which took the 5th position.

In the Health And Survival Subindex, Nigeria was ranked 94 while Burundi, Botswana, Kenya, South Africa and Namibia topped the list.

Nigeria was also ranked 136 in the Political Empowerment Subindex for women while Rwanda came third.
In Africa, Nigeria was ranked 26 in overall gender gap index behind Gambia and Burkina Faso.

Iceland took the first position in closing 87% of its overall gender gap followed by Norway at 83% and Finland at 82%.
Rwanda took the 4th position in the Global Gender Gap with 82%, slightly behind Finland. This is mostly due to continued progress on its economic participation and opportunity subindex.

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